Chapter Two

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Levi set the asleep Eren onto his couch, quickly whipping out his phone, dialing Hanjis number.

After a few rings, the crazy woman answered. "Hi shortie." She said on the other line, she was currently in her office doing a stack of paperwork.

Levi rolled his eyes, "Shut it, I need a day off work." He walked to his dinning room and sat down at the table. "Why?" Hanji asked, typing some numbers into her computer.

"I'll have too explain too you later, next weekend I'll show you, it might be a few days before I come back in." He stated, examining his fingernails.

Hanji sighed, "I can have Erwin drop off some paper work every day, our business needs too still be up and running." She snapped her fingers, signaling for her assistant to get her coffee. (It was a weird habit of hers)

Levi agreed too her terms and hung up, walking over too the asleep Eren.

He shook the boys shoulders, but there was no response except for a small movement of the boys
finger. Levi groaned in slight annoyance a poured a glass of water, striding back over too Eren.

Levi shook Erens shoulders again, this time waking him up. Eren freaked out, sitting up violently, "Where am I?!?" He asked, panicked.

"My apartment," Levi held the glass up too Erens lips, "Drink."

Eren eyed the glass nervously, but eventually gave in, carefully sipping the water.

Levi pulled the glass away, "Do you want something too eat?" He stood up setting the glass on the coffee table that was in front of the couch.

Eren slowly nodded, and tried to stand up, but Levi pushed him back down. "Stay and rest." Levi ordered, "I'll go get you something."

Levi walked back too the kitchen, in search for something for the boy too eat. Since Eren hasn't had a lot of stuff to eat in a long time, he was going to start out with something small, a bread roll perhaps?

He picked it up and rushed back too the couch. Levi held it out to the brunette, "Eat it slowly, I'll start out with something small, and if you feel like you can eat more I'll make us breakfast."

Eren nodded and took the roll with shaky hands, it had been a long time since he had something too eat that was so nice.

He took small bites, trying to get his stomach used too the feeling of digesting something. "Thankyou," he said, "For all of this, I've never met someone so nice in my entire life."

Levi offered a small smile to the boy, (Which he never smiled, not even too Hanji and Erwin, and they had been friends since elementary school) "It's no problem, I decided too help someone, I've never done this sort of thing before."

Eren took another bite of the roll and his stomach lurched. He dropped it and squeezed his eyes shut, the pain was unbearable. He groaned in discomfort and gripped his stomach.

Levis eyes widened, "Are you okay Eren?!" He was freaking out, he's never felt this way about someone, worrying about their health in such a manor.

Eren weakly nodded, "I'm fine." He choked, sitting up, "I guess my stomach isn't used too all of this fancy food.

Levi still had a concerned
look on his face, "Are you sure you're all right?" He picked up the bread and walked over too the trash, discarding it.

Money was no problem too Levi, his job payed well, his parents were rich, so he inherited a lot of money from his grandparents.

Levi took out a glass and filled it with chocolate milk and then handed it too Eren, "Drink this, it's high in calories and it will go down easier."

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