Chapter Nineteen

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"I can't believe you stuffed me in a fucking trunk." Levi said, climbing into bed.

I chuckled nervously, "You aren't, you know, mad at me, right?" He just rolled his eyes, "I'm not dead so I guess I'm fine."

I sighed in relief and got in my side of the bed. Ever since me and Levi started a a relationship, I moved from the couch to the left side of the bed.

I faced Levi and smiled, "Goodnight."

He just grunted in reply, flipping over so that he wasn't looking at me.

I leaned over to kiss him, but he dodged it. I tried a few more times, but every time he would move out of the way.

I frowned at this and grabbed his waist, pulling him close to me. "Are you trying to ignore me?" I whispered in his ear, making him shiver.

Levi didn't respond, he just, "Hmph-ed." And closed his eyes. "In not speaking to you until you apologize.

"What are you? 12?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Well that would explain your vocabulary and height."

Levi turned so that he was facing me, his eyes narrowed, "What did you just say?" He sat up and crossed his arms.

I turned so that I was the one facing away, which made Levi want to get my attention. "Oi, brat."

Ohhohohoho, he knows I hate being called that.

I closed my eyes and pretended that I didn't hear anything. "Lalalalalalala, I can't hear you Levi? Hm? What did you say? Oh wait! I can't hear it! Lalalalala!"

I felt someone sit on my hips and my eyes shot open, there sat Levi, acting all high and mighty. "I saaaaaiiid," he dragged on, "That you are a brat."

I pouted, "What makes me a brat? I don't think I'm a brat." Levi smirked, "There's a lot of things that make you a brat."

"Like what?"

Levi put his hand in his chin "Well, you locked me in a trunk, you made me buy you a book, you act like your the strongest man ever even though you have 0% muscle mass, and you get flustered so easily."

I blushed lightly, "Well, it's not like I've been eating protein and stuff, so how am I supposed to build up muscle mass?"

"Work out." Levi said simply.

"But there aren't any gyms nearby." I groaned, annoyed that Levi hadn't realized that sooner.

"No, not like in gym workouts, I'm taking stuff like cardio, crunches, push-ups, sit ups, anything really."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, like I'm going to do that."

"How bout I make you a deal?"
Levi mused, stretching his arms.

"What kind of deal?" I smirked, wanting to sit up and literally kiss the fuck out of him.

"I will sit here, and you have to do a sit-up, every time you do, you'll be rewarded with a kiss, at the 200 mark, then you're free to do whatever you want to me."

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