Chapter Twenty

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{Levis P.o.v}
After Grandma Rose left, I finally wen to work. As soon as I got inside, Hanji attacked me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hello my little tiny pervert!" She cooed, grabbing my face and squashing it. "What the fuck Hanji?" I said, trying to get away from her.

She just laughed and stuck out her tongue, "At least I don't try to fuck my boyfriend in the back of a car with other people in it."

There was loud crash, me and Hanji faced the direction of the noise, only to see my sister Petra.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"I got fired."

"That's not a valid excuse to be here."

"I applied for a job."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "You, applied for a job? Here?" She nodded and grabbed the things that she had dropped, which was a empty coffee mug and a stack of papers.

"I wanted to work here with my brother? Is that so wrong?"


I started to walk away but she grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me back to her. "Let me go." I said in a monotone voice, still trying to walk away.

She clucked her tongue and examined my neck. "You should wear high collared shirts after you decide to get all marked up."

She released my shirt and I gave her a weird look.

Petra rolled her eyes and pointed to my neck, "The hickeys you dumb fuck, they're all out there like you're trying to get them noticed."

I slapped a hand over my neck while glaring at her. "Fuck off."


"I'm moving." Petra stated out of the blue. She was sitting on the couch in my office staring at the ceiling.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Hm?" She got up and faced me, "I'm going to move to the country! With a ranch on it!"

"Like you now how to take care of animals like horses and cattle." I scoffed, aligning a few papers on my desk. "And why the country? You don't seem like someone to live out in the middle of nowhere."

Petra sat up and handed me a brochure that I didn't even realize she had with her. "I want to own a ranch in Montana! It's so beautiful out there!" She opened up to a page and pointed to the scenery of the Rocky Mountains.

I'll have to admit, the scenery was breathtaking, but I looked at the price and my jaw dropped. "Oh hell no."

It sold for around $1,600,000.

Petra nodded, I have more then enough! I sold my beach house and everything in it for 1,500,00!"

I rolled my eyes, "Dumbass."

Petra shrugged, "May-be! I'm planning to move next week, you and Eren can come and visit whenever you want." She plopped back down onto the couch, "I'm going to have to buy the cattle before I move out there." She rubbed her chin as if it was an imaginary beard.

"And did Hanji agree to this?" She nodded vigorously and reopened the brochure. "She's moving with me."

My eyes widened, "And what the hell am I supposed to do about my job?"  Petra gave me a weird look, "Huh, don't you have more then enough money? You could buy one too with Eren-"

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