Chapter Thirty Five

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Authors Note~
Okay, I'm really happy about the responses that I am getting from this story. <3 y'all are fucking amazing.

400+ likes!?! And 3k reads?!?!! IM scrEAMING

I was going to end it in a few chapters, but I think I'm going to extend it. Give me your preferences~

Anyways, back to the story!



The lights steaming in through the large bay window woke me up the next morning.


Everyone that knows me knows how much I hate to be woken up early. And the sun wasn't making it any better for me.

I rolled over to greet Levi, when I noticed the bed was empty next to me. I sighed, remembering that he wanted to wake up early to greet his parents, and I had slept in later then him.

I threw on some sweatpants and one of Levis t-shirts before walking out of the room and descending down the staircase.

The smell of bacons and eggs wafted through the air, which made my mouth instantly water. And not to mention, increase my speed until I was soon walking into the large kitchen.

"GooooOOOOoood morning Vietnam!" The loud voice of Janice greeted me, and then a bone crushing hug.

"Hi." Was all I was able to say before she released me and began talking again.

"How are you Eren? Do you like bacon and eggs? Levi cooked some. Well, I helped, but I just spilled milk everywhere. Do-"

Levi cleared his throat and Janice backed down. "Ah, I'm sorry. I just get a bit carried away at times~"

I nodded and sat down at the table so I could examine Levi as he cooked. "It's alright Janice."

She beamed for a few moments before she sat down next to me and began yapping my ear off about something quite irrelevant.

"Hello Eren." The proper voice of Rich cut her conversation off.

"Hello." I said with a smile. I didn't greet him with his name because I couldn't remember if he wanted me to call him 'Rich,' or 'Mr. Ackerman.'

"Hello!" I heard Hanji greet from the living room, followed by a unemotional "Good Morning." From Petra.

"I'm getting married today! I'm getting married today~!" Hanji sing-songed as she skipped into the rather large kitchen. Petra sighed heavily and followed her fiancé to the table before sitting down.

Levi rolled his eyes and grabbed a few plates from the silverware cupboard. "And oh what a shame, what a shame the poor grooms bride is a whore-"

"Shut up midget." Petra snapped at her brother, messing up his hair as he passed the kitchen table, "You can quote a Panic! At the Disco song, that's my job!"

Everyone chuckled and soon began to eat the scrambled eggs and bacon that Levi prepared.

The Raven sat down next to me and started eating, by then, I had noticed that he was wearing my shirt with the tassels in the front.

Homeless {Ereri/Riren}Where stories live. Discover now