Chapter 3

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Scott's pov

I really don't know why I thought introducing Mitch to my friends was a great idea so early. He probably wanted to be isolated since he was still new to the streets, that's how I felt at first too. He was shy around them, now that I think about it, he hardly talked to me since we met too. Maybe he was just a shy person or maybe he was scared of me. What he scared of me? I haven't done anything to cause him being afraid of me, I was nice... Well I did make him cry but that was an accident. Anyways, I just wanted him to have more people than just me to rely on, I wish I had that when I was out here alone, but I didn't meet Kirstie until I was here for about 8 months and I didn't meet Alex until about 6 months after that. I think Mitch will thank me in the long run... I hope he will.

Basically the entire time that we were hanging out with Alex and Kirstie, Mitch was hiding behind me or very close to me. Whenever he wanted something or wanted to do something but he was too shy to ask them, he would tug on my shirt until he got my attention, it was kinda like really cute of him. Anyways, I don't know what they think of him but I just hope they like him because I don't think I could abandon him if it came to that. I know I just met this kid and I don't know anything about him other than his name but I don't really care, for some reason I like him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tugging at my sleeve. I looked down at Mitch who was looking straight ahead and started talking, "we aren't with my friends anymore, you can talk."

He continued staring ahead and I gazed up to check out what he was looking at. The piece of metal that I used as a door to our little "home" was thrown into the alley and there were 2 guys standing beside it. They weren't like built but they looked stronger than me. I noticed they were waiting for someone that was inside our spot. One of them spoke up, "hurry up, we don't know who lives here."

"Mitch," I started and he looked up to me, "stay put. I'll be back in a second, if they come this way, get out, I'll find you."

He nodded and I started towards our crawl space. "Hey!" I shouted out. "What are you doing?" They could probably tell I was terrified of them but I tried to act tough anyways.

"We are hungry." The bigger one said then took a step towards me. He gave me a shove which made me stumble backwards but it wasn't enough to knock me over. "Got a problem with that?"

"Yeah actually, I do." They chuckled and stepped closer so I was stuck in between them. "This is my stuff you can't just steal it!"

"And how'd you get it then?"

I opened my mouth to respond but I couldn't come up with anything to say. They laughed and the bigger one pushed me to the ground. "Get out of here." He growled.

"No! This is my shit! Leave it alone!" I yelled back as I got back on my feet. One of them grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pushed me back into the wall. He started lifting me up so we were eye to eye. I took my chance and swung at his face, I nailed his jaw which caused him to loosen his grip on me so I wiggled out of his hold and hit him again in the gut. I quickly glanced around to see what my options were from here but before I could go anywhere, the other guy came at me. He jumped and tackled me, then positioned his body so his knees were pinning my wrists to the ground. I tried my hardest to get out but never managed to move from under his grip. I tried to kick him but although my legs are long, they're, surprisingly, not very flexible. I still wriggled under him and didn't stop trying until I felt the impact of a fist colliding with my jaw. I winced at the pain. I felt a foot hit my stomach multiple times and made the assumption that his buddy was fine again since there were still knees pinning my arms. After multiple kicks to the gut and about 4 more punches at my head, I finally blacked out.

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