Chapter 7

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Scott's pov

How in the world did he get the money to buy us food and still manage to get a chocolate bar. I have never even made money on the streets and after less than a week he has come back with food 2 days in a row. Wow, maybe telling him to stick around really was a good idea. I still am curious how he gets all this money though. Should I ask again? Last time it seemed like a touchy subject. I don't want to drive him away. You know what, I won't turn this into an argument but I'm asking again.


He hummed in response so he wouldn't have to stop eating his apple.

"How?" I asked simply.

"How what?"

"The food. How did you manage to get so much and still have enough money to get a chocolate bar?"

"It's nothing." He sounded tense all of the sudden.

"Okay, you in no way have to tell me but if you ever want to, I could probably help."

"You can't help." He said monotonously.

"You don't know that."

"I'm pretty sure of it."

"Does it need muscle?"


"Then I can probably help, even in the condition that I'm in."

"Well.." I could tell he was considering it. "Sorry, but no."

"Okay." I am so curious, and I am going to find out what he is up to.


A few days have passed and the same routine takes place everyday. We wake up, Mitch leaves to 'perform' and comes back with food. I am basically back to full health but he doesn't know that, I made sure he didn't find out because I want to know what he is up to so if he thinks I'm hurt and asleep, I can sneak out to see what he is up to. It really is the perfect plan.

"I'll be back in a little."


I watched Mitch get out and place the metal back in front of the entrance before scrambling up and moving over to where he just left. I quietly moved the scrap metal out of my way and crawled out of the hole. I put it back into its place and walked down the alley that I saw him walk down before. I knew this place like the back of my hand so I knew that this alley led to the main street. There was a grocery store where I often stole food from people around here. I looked around at my surroundings and scanned the crowd for Mitch. There he is. Right beside the Starbucks, awkwardly standing there fiddling with a paper cup. I watched him place the cup down and he just stood there for a while until a crowd of people started walking by. I saw him open his mouth and since I can't hear anything from here, I assumed he was singing. He must be pretty good because he was getting a lot of money. I gotta check this out. I moved closer and made sure to avoid being seen by him. As I got closer the words he was singing became more clear.

This is my temporary home
it's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passing through
This was just a stop on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know
This was my temporary home

This is our temporary home

He stopped so I guess that was the end of the song. I am astonished by his voice, it's gorgeous. It sounds like it came from an angel.

He pocketed the money and threw the cup in the garbage then started heading towards the grocery store. I made a split second decision and ran over to him. He must've heard me because he turned around before I even reached him.

"You healed quick."

"Not that quick."

We walked to the grocery store in silence until I spoke up, "Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you can sing!"

"Were you spying on me?"

"No!" I didn't want to lose him. "I was walking because being cooped up in that damn space is painful and boring. I heard someone singing and decided to check it out."

He looked deep into my eyes and I felt like he was staring into my soul, I was scared he would figure me out by simply looking into my eyes.


"Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"I don't like anyone knowing but we need food somehow so I had to. Plus, it's a personal thing okay." He choked a bit while he was talking at the end, I decided that I would let it go for now since it seemed that he might break down if I forced him into telling me.

"Okay, I understand."


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