Chapter 35

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Mitch's pov

Back to the street corner we go. Everyday we go back there and eagerly await Ben's arrival but everyday since then he comes back with the same news, that he still hasn't gotten an answer back from the recording company. But no matter how many days he comes back with the same answer, I'm going to keep my spirits high because one of these days he's bound to have different news, and it could be life changing! So back to the street corner we go, with high hopes of good news.

Over time, we've learned some new covers that I honestly love! This gives us more room to change up the songs we sing everyday so it's not always the same three because by now there's some familiar faces that might not appreciate hearing three songs on repeat every single day. Today's song list consists of 'Problem,' 'Royals,' and 'Where Are Ü Now.'

For some reason, I always get super nervous right before we start to sing. I know we've done this multiple times before but I could always mess up or lose my voice during a song, anything could go wrong.

We took our usual spot on the corner and began singing, as always. Half way through the first song, I saw someone new. I don't usually notice when someone different comes, just another face, you know? But this was different, he was just a kid, an adorable little boy, I'm sure he was no older than 8. He had a bright smile on his face as he watched us and sang along quietly to Problem. He bounced up and down and shifted his attention between the five of us but it felt like he watched me the most. When it was time for my rap, his smile grew bigger so I decided to go out on a limb here. I reached my arm out to the boy and as he took my hand, his eyes widened is awe. I levelled myself so we were face to face with each other. I took his other hand and danced with him as I rapped. His smile was so wide as he flailed his arms and did some crazy dance moves after I let go of his hands. I stayed level though and I joined in with his dancing until the end of the song.

After the song, I smiled to the boy who was bouncing up and down with joy. What an cute kid. I was about to put my hand out to give him a high five but he charged at me with arms wide open. He knocked me down and hugged me tight. I hugged him back until he let me go.

"Thank you for dancing with me sir!" He exclaimed.

"Well you looked like a super happy kid, I thought you would love to dance!" I said back, trying to match his excitement.

"My name is Eliza, by the way." He said and smiled.

"Well hello Eliza, my name is Mitch."

"Thanks again Mitch!" he said as he started running back towards a lady that I guessed was his mom. I made eye contact with her and she smiled to me and mouthed a quick 'thank you' and I nodded in return.

That little boy managed to make my day a whole lot better already.

I stood up, a smile plastered on my face, and turned to see my friends all staring at me, they were smiling too.

"I think I made a new friend." I said jokingly.

"We can discuss all that adorableness later," Scott chuckled, "but I think we should get back to the music."

Scott winked at me, then we got back into our formation and began singing Royals.

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