Chapter 4

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Mitch's pov

"Scott!" I watched his eyes shut and the two guys backed off again. I covered my mouth as soon as I realized that I had just yelled that. The two burly men looked in my direction and I tried to hide behind the corner of the building. I held my breath, hoping they would just take the stuff and leave but to my luck, they didn't. I backed up a few steps when I saw the shadows coming closer to me. When they rounded the corner, we met eyes for a hot second before I started running in the other direction. I was on the track team throughout all of high school so I was actually fast but apparently not fast enough. Within seconds, I felt a tug that stopped my movement. The taller of the two guys pulled me closer to him by the back of my shirt collar. He shoved me into the wall which was enough to make me wince, I know, I'm weak and pathetic, I've heard it from many sources.

They were much taller than me, like much taller. The taller one grabbed me again, and pulled me close enough to his body, that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face.

"Was that your friend?" he asked quite angrily.

"N-no" I stuttered, but it wasn't a lie, we weren't friends. He was basically a stranger to me. The man tightened his grip on me and pulled me even closer and stared deep into my soul. I gulped and tried to hide my rather obvious fear. Now would usually be the time that people try to fight the guy, but I am not all that strong, and I have never actually thrown a punch in my life so it probably wouldn't phase anyone, especially not this guy.

"Hey guys-" an unfamiliar voice came from behind the two men. I looked and saw a boy, he was still taller than me but shorter than the other two, he wasn't built like his buddies, he was toned but not like you know, incredibly muscular. He was kinda cute. I realized quickly that I was staring and I averted my eyes as he continued. "I um got the food and stuff, we can go now." He looked at me with a look that I could only describe as sympathetic, well that's actually shocking, a bad guy that feels bad for what he did.

The guy holding me looked down at me and nailed me with his fist right beside my eye then dropped me to the ground. The three walked down the alley as I laid on the cold concrete. My right eye, the one that was punched, would hardly open so I looked up with my one good eye and watched the trio walk. The smaller boy fell back a bit and turned to see at me again and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' and dropped 2 apples on the ground before running to catch up to the other two guys.

I held my eye which was becoming more and more puffy as the seconds passed. I removed my hand and saw blood on it. I used my shirt to wipe it quickly before getting up to check on Scott.

I rounded the corner and he was still laying on the ground, not moving. I ran up to him and shook him slightly. He didn't respond so I rolled him onto his back to see how bad he was hurt. His jawline had a cut and a large bruise on it. There was blood coming from the top of his head and his cheek as well. I hesitated to, but I removed my shirt and used it to wipe the blood away. I would have used his shirt but it is much filthier and would probably have caused infection if it touched his cuts. I looked at his face and was immediately jealous. It's not fair that even after he was punched and now had cuts and bruises on his face, he was still hot as hell.

I reached for his shirt and slowly lifted it to reveal many bruises and cuts covering his torso. Just seeing that made me feel a but sick. I used my shirt to wipe the blood away again. I lowered his shirt back to its original spot and put my shirt back on. I sat down beside his head and rested my hand on his cheek. "Scott," I said quietly, "wake up. Please open your eyes." my voice stayed monotone and almost in a whisper tone. He didn't even move. I looked at the entrance to the crawl space and back to Scott, looks like about five feet from him to the opening. I guess I'm gonna have to try and drag him in so he is at least in a safe place for the day. I stood up and grabbed Scott's wrists and started slowly dragging him. It was a slow process since Scott is so large and I'm not exactly a jock. I eventually got him inside and propped him up against the wall then proceeded to go outside and grab the apples. I brought the two apples inside and placed one beside Scott. I looked at him one more time then went outside again.

We had no water or anything to drink in that case so I was taking it upon myself to get us some seeing as Scott was currently unconscious and all. I set the scrap metal back up against the door and started walking. It wasn't getting dark just yet but nightfall was coming soon so I had to be quick. I didn't even have a game plan to get us any money, and I was not planning on stealing. I would steal but I'm so clumsy that I'd end up getting caught so I need to find ways to make money. Lets think. I glance down at my watch, it's like 5:30, rush hour? Lots of people walk in this city... That's it! I started jogging through the alley and into the street, taking mental notes of every turn so I wouldn't get lost. I stepped into the street and looked around. I walked over and stood on the corner near a Starbucks. I glanced at my surroundings until I spotted an empty paper cup. I grabbed the cup and brought it over to the corner and stood there awkwardly. There were so many people walking around me and just looking at me. I never thought I was a good singer but my music teacher said I am good. I never performed for more than like 5 people before, I get stage fright. For some reason, I just don't like people knowing that I am apparently "talented." But if I wanted to help Scott and myself, I would have to not be shy and just do this. I placed the cup down in front of me and started snapping to a beat that is quite familiar to me. Soon enough I was singing words by memory to a song that I was in love with, a song that I could actually relate to.

I am happy, I am thankful, and I am proud.
said with a smile for the cameras,
at the countdown.
but if i'm honest, I am seconds,
from breaking down.
as you orbit,
gravity throws me to the ground.

I hated how much these lyrics represented my life, but I couldn't think about that now, I would get choked up and embarrassed.

I'll be starry eyed for you.
I'll be starry eyed for you.
I'll be starry eyed for you.
I brush off the dust,
gain composure for another round.
when did my life become a series of countdowns?
I curse the heavens for pulling you away from me
at the same time,
I pray that you'll find everything you seek.

I poured all the emotions that I had stuck inside me into the song.

I finished the song then opened my eyes and came out of the trance I go into when singing. There were like 20 people hovering around me, some recording me on their cellphones.

I smiled shyly as some of them clapped and others placed a couple dollars into my cup. After they dispersed, I picked up the cup and rounded the corner so I could see what I had gotten. I got $6.50, not that much, but it was enough to get food and water. I went into a store and managed to get 3 bottles of water, a bag of chips and a carton of strawberries. I put the 50 cents change into my pocket and started walking back towards the crawl space.

I have to say, I'm quite proud of getting us food and water without stealing or getting help from Scott.

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