Chapter 22

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Scott's pov

"Rather Be by Clean Bandit is a favourite of mine." Kirstie voiced her opinion to the group.

"Same!" Mitch and I agreed.

"It is a great song." Avi chimed in.

"And the chords would be good for beatboxing." Kevin added.

"So we all agree that Rather Be is gonna be our first group cover?" Kirstie asked the group.

We all nodded in agreement.

We quickly got to working on the arrangement, the bass line and beatboxing was a breeze but there was a big change that Kirstie and I were definitely not expecting when it came to our parts.

"So Kirstie," I started, "any ideas for how our parts are gonna work?" I asked.

"Actually," Mitch started speaking before Kirstie had the chance to, "I think Kirstie should take the solo on this one." This idea was shocking to us because Mitch was always the one doing the solo, his voice was just too perfect for anything else.

"Mitch, are you sure?" Kirstie asked.

"Yeah, you're voice would absolutely slay this song." I saw Kirstie's expression light up at Mitch's compliment.

"Okay!" Kirstie agreed then they both looked to me.

"You guys don't need my approval." I laughed a bit. I guess they see me as the leader of this group of misfits. I'm honoured.

"Cool!" They shrieked in sync. They sounded like a couple of kids that just got new toys.

We sorted out the song and decided to sing it for Alex since he ditched us during our arranging session.

"Okay, lay it on me." Alex stated which made us all give him a funny look. "Sorry, I tried to be cool."

Mitch started with a little la da da da da dum, which sounded heavenly, then I came in, then Avi and it progressed from there. Mitch was totally right, Kirstie's voice is a perfect fit for this song.

"Damn guys." That was all Alex had to say after we finished.

"Thanks?" I asked jokingly.

"It was great, seriously." he added to which was responded by 5 separate thank you's.

"Think it's performance ready?" Mitch asked.

"Totally." Alex answered.

"Mitch, if you don't want to perfo-"

"Scott, I'll be fine." he cut me off and I just stared suspiciously, "Really, I will." He sounded like he was telling the truth.

We spent the rest of the day rearranging 2 more songs, and practising them so we can perform them tomorrow. As a group, we have a lot of talent, it's almost scary.

"See you tomorrow!" I called after Kirstie and Alex. Everyone is meeting here tomorrow morning so we can go back to the streets to perform once again.

"Alone at last." I shot Mitch a small smile that he soon returned.

"I thought they'd never leave." He joked. "Pass me an orange?"

I tossed him the fruit then grabbed one for myself before crawling over to sit by him. "So you're sure that you're okay with performing tomorrow?" I asked once again, just to make sure he was all good.

"Scott, I'm fine," his tone was soft, "I promise next time I'm uncomfortable with something, I will let you know." Hearing this was very comforting.

"Okay, thank you." I kissed the top of his head and let him cuddle into me.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too Mitchie." I looked down and saw a smile spread across his face. He looked up to me when he spoke.

"When did that become a thing?" He asked, referring to the nickname I just gave him.

"Not sure, but I think it's cute." I tapped the top of his nose with my finger which earned a small laugh.

"Not fair, I wanna give you a nickname!"

"How about Mr. Miracle?"

"What even?"

"You know? Like Scott Free, the comic book character!"

"You're such a geek."

"How do you not know this stuff!"

"I got it." I raised an eyebrow to which he responded, "Noodle."


"Yeah, you're a noodle. It suits you."

"You're joking."

"I'm really not." I raised both my arms, which were already around his body, and brought them up to his sides. "Scott don't even think about it."

"What Mitchie?" I acted confused but he knew I got what he meant. He just shot me a dirty look. I started tickling him and he immediately started laughing and attempting to escape from my grasp. His hands pushed against mine and his legs were flailing like crazy. By now, tears were forming in his eyes from laughing so hard. After his many failed attempts to speak, I finally stopped to let him breathe. When I loosened my grip, he sat up straight against the wall, separating himself from me, and crossing his arms. "What is it?" I asked and smiled.

"You know I hate you right."

"Awh don't lie."

"Shut up Noodle." I poked him in the ribs.

"Come cuddle!" I requested.

"I don't trust you!" His voice cracked on the word you and I laughed a bit.

"Come love me or I'll tickle you until you do." I opened my arms for a hug to which Mitch crawled over and laid with me on the dirt. "Your laugh is so cute."

"I swear Noodle, tickle me again and you will die."

"A. Big talk for such a small guy. And B. Don't call me that."

"I'm gonna find your Kryptonite, Scott, trust me on that one."

"That Superman reference though! You are a geek!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, and you're not cool enough to be Mr. Miracle."



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