Chapter 29

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Mitch's pov

"Scott, wake up." I said quietly so I didn't startle him. I watched as his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Hey, you were the last one sleeping, you need to eat so we can head out to the corner."

"Five more minutes mom." He whined in response.

"Scott, I have a half full water bottle in my hands right now, don't make me." I heard Kirstie threaten from behind me.

"Is that Kirstie?" Scott whispered so only I could hear. I nodded my head slowly and he jolted upright. "Sorry, sir, I am awake and ready for the day." Scott said, directed at Kirstie then finished with a salute and a laugh.

Everyone was still just chilling and eating because we had a little time to kill before we had to get to the street corner.

"Does anyone know how much it will cost to get us a house or apartment or something to live in?" Avi asked.

"Depends on what we can find. I don't think we'll be able to afford something like a house anytime soon but a shitty apartment, maybe." Scott answered.

"I think a shitty apartment would still be a slight upgrade from this." Alex joked.

"Yeah." Scott chuckled. "C'mon lets get going."

We all walked down the street, Scott and I hand in hand as usual. Today, I felt a lot less anxious about performing. It did help that yesterday went so smooth. Maybe that guy would come back, the one that said we were talented.

Last night we had arranged two more songs and made the collective decision of performing two sets of songs a day. Once in the morning and once during rush hour. We were just doing everything possible so we could get ourselves a more welcoming 'home.'

"Aha, Rather Be, then Cheerleader?" Scott asked as we huddled together and we all made sounds of agreement. "Lets do this guys."

Not many people gathered around while we sang Aha, but I convinced myself that it was just because the song wasn't all that popular. By the end of the song, the hat had started to fill up a bit so that was at least a start. Now, Cheerleader was a whole different story. People gathered around us, some recording us on their phones, others just bopping along to the beat.

We finished the set of songs and when I went to grab Scott's hat containing the money, I was met by a familiar face. "Ah, the talented young singers!" He exclaimed.

"Oh hey, Mr. Br- I mean, Ben." Scott corrected himself when he remembered what Ben had said about his name yesterday.

I shoved the money in my pocket and placed Scott's hat on my head to hide my hair. I wore it backwards, the way he did. We all gathered in a circle and spoke to the man.

"So," Ben started, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think you kids are incredible. Now, I work with many artists so I know when there's potential in an artist or a band. I see that here. So what I'm trying to get at is, how would you like to work in the music industry?"

"Wow. T-that would be insane. Is it really that simple?" Scott was the only one of us able to form words.

"Well, I would need you to record something for me so I can show it to the label and if they like it, we will figure it out from there."

"Well, we don't exactly have the resources to make you a recording." Scott said awkwardly.

"It's all good, we can just record it on the old equipment I have at my place. You guys want to meet somewhere where you're more comfortable to record or is my apartment okay?"

"You're just gonna let us six homeless strangers into your house?" Scott asked, dumbfounded.

"You gonna rob me?"

"Oh um no."

"Then I don't see a problem. I'll come back tomorrow morning and get you over to my place, okay?" Ben suggested.

"Sounds incredible."

"Alright. I will see you tomorrow." He shot us a charming smile and starting walking down the road again. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned on his heel. "You guys need a name!" He shouted to us from a while away. We never really thought about a band name before. Scott gave him a thumbs up which was Ben's sign to turn and continue walking on.

"What just happened guys?" Avi asked as we all still stood there in shock.

"Um I really don't know." I answered.

"Back to the crawlspace?" Alex suggested.

"Back to the crawlspace." Scott agreed.

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