Chapter 18

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Mitch's pov

I opened my eyes and panic immediately washed over me. Where the hell am I? I looked around frantically until I met eyes with some guy. I backed up until my body was pressed against the wall. My mind started thinking about how this is the same way I reacted when I first met Scott too. My eyes never left this mysterious man and his eyes never left me. "Mitch? Are you okay?" He asked in his deep voice.

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked sheepishly.

"Calm down. My name is Avi. We met briefly last night after my friend helped get you back here and away from the park." The man explained quickly. I tried and tried but just couldn't seem to remember who the hell this man was.

"I don't know you." I said quickly and started heading for the exit. I was stopped by this Avi guy's arm. "What are you doing? This is kidnapping!" I screamed at him,

"Mitch, listen to me. You need to calm down. Kevin and I are going to take care of you. We will help you back to him."

"Scott..." I said quietly and he nodded in response. "How do you- what's going on?"

"You were talking in your sleep last night. We know that you ran away from Scott and you miss him, so we're gonna help." His voice was calming and he talked slow.

I slowly nodded and backed away from the hole that was used as an exit. I sat back against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest. I continued thinking hard about what happened last night but I could only remember a few details. I remember Scott saying I make him happy. I remember running a lot. I remember falling asleep once on a park bench and once more in here. Anything else that happened, was no longer a part of my memory.

"Oh good, you're awake!" The cheerful voice pulled me out of my thoughts. So I'm guessing this is Kevin? "Here, eat up." He tossed me a granola bar then sat down beside Avi. I started opening the wrapper but noticed they were just talking, not eating.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked the boys, interrupting their conversation.

"Don't worry about us, we will be fine." Kevin said kindly.

"You can't just not eat."

"Well we kinda have to." Avi responded. I shook my head and tossed them my granola bar.

"I'll be fine." I said to them as they stared at me and shook their heads.

"You are eating." Kevin insisted but I shook my head in response. He continued to try and force feed me until I finally spoke up.

"I don't like being pitied." I said. "If you want me to eat so badly, I'll go find my own food."

"Oh and how are you going to do that?" Avi questioned.

"I have my ways." I retorted before moving towards the exit.

I pulled my body out and started walking down an alley and into a main street. The two boys were following close behind, asking where I was going. I ignored them and grabbed an empty cup from the ground. Avi and Kevin exchanged a confused look as I walked to a good spot and placed my cup down. I took a quick second to think then I began to sing the lyrics to Lost Boy by Ruth B. It just kinda popped into my mind and hey, I guess I'm a lost boy right now.

There was a time when I was alone,
nowhere to go and no place to call home.
My only friend was the man on the moon,
and even sometimes he would go away too.

I watched as a small crowd gathered around me then quickly shut my eyes because the last thing I needed was to fold under pressure. This street was busier than my usual one.

As I began singing the first verse, I heard someone beatboxing behind me. And beatboxing really well. I quickly craned my neck to see Kevin standing and going along with the slow tune. Kevin's beat was quickly joined by a deep bass note, Avi. I was taken aback by their talent, but I didn't stop singing until the end of the song. I turned as people clapped so I was facing the duo completely, a look of admiration plastered on my face. I grabbed the cup and ducked into an alley, followed by Kevin and Avi.

"What was that!" I asked enthusiastically.

"I was gonna ask the same!" Kevin chirped.

"You guys are so talented!"

"So are you! Your voice is heavenly." I blushed at the compliment.

"Last time I did that, I was with..." my voice trailed off as I thought about Scott, Kirstie and Alex. I don't care if it hasn't even been 24 hours, being away from people you love is hard. Not saying that I love them I just don't hate them. Ha. Um yeah...

"Food?" Avi asked, taking me out of my thoughts. I nodded and handed them the cup. I heard them excitedly count the money while we walked.

I felt tears dripping from my eyes as I walked behind the pair. Why did I leave. I wish I never left. I will probably never even see them again, I won't ever see him again. Even if I did, he won't want me back. No one ever does.

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