Chapter 24

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Mitch's pov

As most days, I woke up before Scott, and to be honest, I'm completely okay with that because it means I get to wake up in his arms rather than having to wake up to nothing. I decided I'd let him sleep for a couple more minutes while I got up and ate. I started crawling away when I felt two hands on my waist pull me back. Scott pulled me back so I was cuddled up to him.

"Hey, I thought you were asleep."

"And I thought if I acted like I was asleep, you'd do something unexpected or like stay and cuddle but I guess we're both wrong." He said with a smile.

"Awh Noodle is being cute."

"Shut up." He said sarcastically. I shifted my body so my head could rest against his chest. I looked up at him to realize he was already staring down at me.

"You keep staring so I'm gonna assume you either wanna fight or kiss, what is it?" He smirked so I moved my head up and pecked him on the lips. "Happy?" I asked.

He shook his head and pouted as to say no. I leaned back down and held a kiss for only a few seconds until we were so rudely interrupted. When we heard the metal scraping, we both scurried to sit up and act natural. I thought I would fail horribly due to my uncontrollable response to awkwardness which would being either babbling or blushing. We both sat up and just kinda started talking about the song so it would seem like nothing happened. Kirstie and Alex hopped in and I think that they both believed we just woke up which means I'm a better actor than I thought I was.

"Hey guys." Kirstie said as she sat down inside.

"Hello." I answered back.

Scott and I quickly ate while we waited for Avi and Kevin to show up. After I was done eating, I started up a conversation with Kirstie.

"So, I have a question for you."

"Shoot." she responded.

"What is Scott's weakness?"

"Why are you curious?" she asked then smirked at me.

"Shut up! It's just cause he so easily found mine but I don't know his so I can't fight back."

"Tell me yours!" She said excitedly.

"Not a chance."

"Fine then you'll never find out what your boyfriend's weakness is." She crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes at her then sighed.

"Firstly, he's not my boyfriend."

"Uh-huh sure. Whatever you say." She said super sarcastically.

"Just shut up." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Tell me already."

"Fine." She perked up. "I'm like super ticklish. Probably the most ticklish person you'll meet."

"Wait. Really. That's adorable!" She said loud enough for the other two boys to hear.

"What's adorable!" Alex asked, mocking her squeaky voice.

"Mitch is apparently super ticklish!" She answered.

"Shut up Kirst!" I yelled at her. Great, now they all know.

"I know, you should hear his laugh when he gets tickled, it's so cute." Scott said to the other two.

"No it's not!" I responded.

"Oh but it is, Mitch." I could tell that he was about to come over and tickle me so I started crawling quickly towards the exit.

"No way kid!" I heard Kirstie say then felt her hand around my ankle. Damn this girl is strong!

"Ugh let go Kirst!" I shouted at her. I soon felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. "Scott, don't you dare." I warned him. He ignored me and moved his arms down around my torso. I struggled to get his arms off of me. I soon felt him starting to tickle me so I tried my hardest to choke back my laugh and just get his arms off of me but I couldn't. My face was red from laughing and tears were beginning to form in my eyes when he finally let go. "You're so mean to me!" I yelled, my voice still quite high pitched.

"I am not!"

"You are too, Noodle." I smirked at him, knowing that the name would annoying him.

"Noodle?" Kirstie asked to which Scott and I just laughed in response.

"Yup, he's a noodle." I answered and she gave me a funny look.

Once the other two boys started up their conversation again, I looked over to Kirstie who had made the shape of a heart with her hands. I rolled my eyes and watched her mouth the words, 'I ship it.' I flipped her the middle finger and went outside to wait for the bass and the beatboxer.

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