Chapter 27

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Scott's pov

Tonight everyone was staying with Mitch and I in the crawlspace for our own weird little slumber party. Unfortunately, this means no kissing Mitch goodnight or good morning or I dunno, good hair day. Kirstie already thinks we're a couple so the cuddling has to stay at a minimum as well.

"It's kinda cool, this whole slumber party vibe we've got going on." Kevin commented.

"Yeah, it's a little dysfunctional and crowded, but it takes me back to my high school days." I added.

"It's been so long since I've had a slumber party." Kirstie announced.

"You know," Mitch started, "I don't think I'v ever had one before."

This comment made us all stop and stare for a second.

"What do you mean you've never had a slumber party?" Alex asked him.

"Well having a slumber party would mean I need more than one friend to be over at my house." Mitch answered.

"Well, I'm honoured that we're the ones to take your slumber party virginity."

"What the hell Scott? That's so creepy." Mitch responded to my comment with a laugh.

"Yeah, that didn't sound as weird in my head." I chuckled. "Anyways, since this is your first slumber party, we need to make it good, all the classic games."

"Yes! That'll be so fun!" Kirstie chirped.

"Lets start it off with a classic," Alex said, "truth or dare."

"Yes!" I squealed. "Everyone in a circle."

We all sat in a circle in the middle of the small crawlspace. Mitch was sat between me and Alex, which made him look like a tiny little kid.

"So Mitch, truth or dare?" Alex asked.

"Uh truth I guess." Mitch answered shyly.

"Hmm oh I got it! What's the most illegal thing you've ever done?"

"Literally nothing bad. I think I might've like stolen candy when I was a kid but like who didn't?"

"Well that's lame." Avi said.

"Ugh whatever, my turn. Kirstie, truth or dare?"


"Um I dare you to..." he took a second and I could tell by the way his face lit up, this was gonna be good, "switch clothes with Alex!"

"Oh my goodness." I laughed.

Alex and Kirstie turned to face each other and they both looked so shocked.

"How?" Alex asked while shaking his head.

When I looked at Mitch, I could tell that he was proud because of the stupid grin he had plastered on his face. Ugh I would totally kiss him right now if nobody else was here.

"Outside?" Kirstie said to Alex and received a nod in response. The pair stood up and jokingly gave Mitch nasty glares as they walked outside.

"You're a genius." Avi told Mitch after the two were outside.

"I pride myself on it." Mitch sassily flipped his hair.

"You know they're gonna kill you, right?" I joked.

"I'm elusive, they can't catch me." He giggled when I rolled my eyes.

"And there they are!" Kevin chirped as the duo reentered the crawlspace.

We all started laughing to the point of crying when we saw them.

"This is so much better than I ever imagined!" Mitch squeaked between laughs.

"You think this is funny?" Kirstie said to Mitch.


This comment ended with Kirstie lunging at Mitch and pinning him to the ground.

"Still funny?" Kirstie asked sassily as she stared at Mitch. I saw the ends of Mitch's lips curl up a bit, he was trying to hold back a laugh. "That's it." She growled. "Alex!" she called for her friend.

I laughed as Alex helped her pin Mitch to the floor while he struggled to get out of their grip.

"Guys this isn't a fair fight!" Mitch complained through his gritted teeth.

Kirstie was sitting on top of Mitch while Alex held his arms above his head so he could barely move. I then noticed Kirstie moving her hands down to Mitch's waist, like she was gonna tickle him.

"No! Kirst don't!" Mitch squealed while still fighting with Alex's grip. Kirstie just smirked and started tickling his sides. He kept twisting and squirming while she tickled him. His laugh was super high pitched, it was adorable. "Stop! Let go!" Mitch managed to get out between laughs.

Kirstie stopped for a second and Mitch relaxed a tiny bit. "I ask again, still funny?"

This time, Mitch shook his head frantically and answered, "Not at all." To this, Kirstie grinned and told Alex to let him go. Once Alex freed Mitch's hands, Mitch immediately scurried away from them and hid behind me. "Monsters!" He yelled at them, which made us all laugh.

That was the most exciting thing that happened for a while until it was Kirstie's turn again. "So Scott, truth or dare."


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