Get it out of your head

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      The morning before

I jump in the jeep. My heart slightly racing, I've always been on edge since Alison's death. I think everyone has.
I breath out and start the car. As I drive towards the school my jeep starts to make strange sounds oh great. I hit the steering wheel.

Chugging sounds start to come from the engine and smoke, a loud bang follows and the jeep suddenly stops throwing me forward. I jump out the jeep slamming the door shut, I lift up the hood and huff starring down at the duct tap covering all the engine. I try to see where the smoke is coming from. Anger rises inside exploding out I kick the tire gritting my teeth together. I slam the hood down. Grab my bag and walk. Leaving the jeep.

I walk through the schools double doors, the anger still within. I missed 1st and 2nd period it's break now I walk through the corridor trying to swallow down the anger. I reach Scott and everyone sitting around a table. I chuck my bag on the floor and drop onto the bench, next to Scott. "Was it the jeep" Lydia speaks in a soft tone making the anger slowly sinks. I breath in and nod.

"We've got a plan for Tonight. They've been quite for a while now we think we've figured out where they are" Scott points at a map "An abandoned storage unit, great" I look at the map "Its going to work.. Derek's coming an.." The screeching bell rings. I flinch, my heart racing I suck in a breath. I head towards my next lesson.

As the last bell goes for the end of the day. I realise that I now have to walk to the station to meet my dad. I set off on my walk. Thoughts rush around my head about tonight I barley know what's going on? I walk past my jeep it's still on the side of the road. I get in hopeful that somehow it's going to work I breath in as I turn the key. The engine starts, I breath out.

The drive to the station is long. I  look down at my phone I see a have a voice mail from Scott."Hey Stiles can you meet me at mine in an hour" I put the phone down my hands slightly shaking I breath in and out slowly but it's speeding faster and faster. I'm sucking in for breath gasping. I pull the jeep over. And the thoughts flash through my head. Remembering what happened. I need to get out I swing the door up and slightly fall out.

I gasp for air. And sit leaning against the jeep door. Its getting dark. It's okay stiles breath just breath.
The thoughts rush through my head again. The hospital. Stabbing Scott. Coach. Panting I put my hands over my face. Get it out of your head Stiles. The words scream in my mind . My eyesight starts to go dark. The anger starts to fill me again. I pull my head forward and throw it back my head smacks the jeep door. The pain floods the back of my head breath. I gasp again and try to get up what am I going to do? My legs weak shake as I stand up. I bend over still gasping, this is the worst panic attack I've ever had. I'm hit by another flood of memories. Eichen house. Scott. Lydia. Alison. Saving Lydia. The school. My breathing speeds, still crouching I stand up.

My head throbbing, everything spinning. Unable to catch my breath. I lean up against my jeep and try to grab the wing mirrors to keep me balanced. I gasp again for breath. Eichen house. Scott. Lydia. Alison. Saving Lydia. As I try to grab one of the mirrors I slip and fall to the ground like a domino unable to stop myself I smash my face to the ground. Everything goes dark.

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