Look at me

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Lydia leans next to me 'Think of anything else!' I grab my chest 'Like.. What' I gasp again. 'Happy things, good things urrr friends..family' I look up at her frowning. The room still spinning, my vision going darker by the second 'Urm I mean, not family' I look down panting. 'Just translate my breathing' she breaths slowly in and out. This makes it worse my breathing speeds now I can't even gasp its cut off every time I try to suck in but it cuts out 'I... I can't, I can't I can't' I press my chest again.

Lydia grabs my face with both has. I look strait up staring at her face my breathing speeding my vision just about to shut of. 'Stiles look at me,shhhh look at me' I suck in one last time. Lydia leans in and kisses me on the lips my childhood crush who've I've  loved since 3rd grade. My eyes wide open confused by this sudden event. She still holds my face. Her lips soft on mine. I Close my eyes.

She pulls back grabbing my face; tight digging her nails into my cheeks and screams the sound piercing my ears. I cover my ears bending down all around me the windows smash to the ground. Glass flys covering Lydia's face in smashed glass.

My eyes open. Void falls back laughing "Now that was a good one, I bet you were enjoying that. Thought I'd give your some hope" I shake my head "Please.. Please stop" Void shakes his head "I'm afraid that's not part of the deal"

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