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I awake my head throbbing I move to rub my head but my hands are tied. "Stiles" my voice a weak whisper. No reply. I feel a cold liquid dribble down my face blood. A sharp pain forms in the front of my head. I look around but it's pitch black, I move my arms again but the rope restraining them rubs tightly on my skin.
"Help" I scream the feeling  sore in my throat.

Kira snaps the tail, a bright blue light escapes from the steel. Void stops walking, his eyes widening
"You didn't" the Oni in front of Void disappear. "Now we control them" I smirk to Void, Kira comes to join us.

"Wow" Void starts to clap
"Well played" he smirks
"But you think that's all I've got. Your up against a Nogistune, I'm a thousand years old, I have more than three Oni" he turns and starts to walk away; I turn to Kira
"Where have the Oni gone" my voice rising he can't win again.
"I..I don't know" Kira turns around confused. "Well we can't wait for them? let's kill him ourself" Derek looks towards the entrance Void has already left.
"We can't just kill him" I shake my head lost for ideas. Just as I finish talking three black figures appear behind Kira.


I try to turn to my head to look around but the restrains keep me back. "Help" I scream the words out
again knowing no one can hear me. Then I hear a loud scraping sound as a bound of light fills the room and I see a figure standing in a door way holding something, I jerk my body "HELP" I scream as the figure walks closer I see it's a man tall muscled bald with a strange tattoo marked along his face I see what he's holding is a body,  Stiles's body.
"Stiles! STILES" I pull on the restrains "Please what did you do to him"
the man ignores me lowing Stiles and chaining his wrists to the poll "HELP" I scream again. The man finishes restraining Stiles and stands and leaves "Please" I twist my body "Please" the door slams shut and the darkness fills the room, I let out a shaky breath and lower my hands to feel Stiles's hand limp below. I manage to place mine onto top, his hand cold to touch. I lean my head back on the metal my heart pounding in my chest.

"Arghh" a weak sound comes from behind the metal
"Stiles!" I try to look at him jerking my body the restrains cutting into my wrist
"Lydia" he breaths in "Are you okay" he holds my hand tightly,though his hand trembles. "Yes I'm fine, are..are you?" my head throbs and the pain continues but I don't want to worry him after everything.
"Lydia I'm so sorry.. " I tighten my grip on Stiles hand
"Stiles it's not your fault" he cuts in before I can speak anymore  "Did he hurt you " I breath out heavily
"No... I haven't seen him since you have"I huff  " How did you get here" Stiles voice shakes "After you got knocked out with Scott, Void grabbed me and that's it...that's all I can remember" I shake my head
"I was so worried" Stiles grips my hand and leans back on the metal I hear him slightly screech in pain
"Stiles your not okay are you"


"Kira, do you know how to control them" I look at the Oni frowning.
"Ur.. No but I think my mum said, I think what I want them to do and they do it" she turns to them and suddenly they pull their swords out "It works" she jerks her head towards me and smiles.
"Great now let's go kill Void" Derek huffs and heads out the entrance.

Me and Lydia sit in silence for what feels like hours. How are we going to leave? Why are we here? The thoughts bang around my head. I told Lydia I was fine but really one of the Oni's slashed my stomach all the way across my chest and my stitches are bleeding out ask me how I'm still alive, I have no idea
My head spins the room keeps fading in and out. I can't tell Lydia I don't want her to worry.
"HELP US" Lydia's scream makes me jump "Someone help us" she shakes her body trying to break away
"Lydia there's a lot of people screaming In places like this I don't think anyone's listening" my tone sharp I don't want to be rude but I'm fed up with being the weak ones the ones always in trouble 
"Have you got any better ideas" she speaks sarcastically but I can tell she's annoyed.
"I have" I see a figure form from the shadows. Void he stands his hands placed behind his back he smirks Lydia starts to shake her restrains again Void frowns "Wanting to leave so soon Lydia? but we've only just started" he pouts bending beside her
"Leave her alone" I jerk my body
"Oh Stiles do you ever shut up" He leans in closer to Lydia I hear her breath tremble "what...what do you want" she whispers
"You." he grabs her face
"GET OFF HER" I scream jerking my body trying to pull the restrains, he grabs her neck "LET HER GO" I continue to pull, I hear Lydia gasping for breath
"GET OFF OF HER" my scream echoing around the room Void laughs and tightens his grip
Void continues to laugh
"LEAVE HER LET HER GO PLEASE. KILL ME I DON'T CARE JUST LET HER GO" Void tilts his head and releases Lydia's neck and she takes in a large gasp of air
"Now Stiles that's a pretty big statement to make"

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