Beautiful sounds

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Scotts Pov
I stand. Someone was here? What does he mean. My mum did say his medication was high? Maybe it was a dream? The thoughts bash around my head. Stiles lays still his monitor beating at a slow pace its calming. I walk to Stiles standing close to his bed, he's fine Scott.He's safe.

My phone rings, the sound filling the room. "Shhhhhhhh" I whisper grabbing my phone trying to turn it down. My hands shaking, Stiles lays still. "Issac, what's what's wrong?" "Lydia" he breaths in "We've found her, but" "But what!" I try to keep my voice down "She keeps repeating something, "There all going to die, my friends there all going to die" My stomach sinks. "What does she mean, who's with you" "Me and Kira, were at Derek's" before he can say more "I'm coming wait, just don't do anything" I hang up the phone. I look back at Stiles his dad walks in "Scott I've been called in at work" he looks at me and smiles "Could you.. could you stay?" I smiled back "of course" My voice a whisper.

Stilinski leaves I call up Issac "change of plan I'm staying with Stiles bring Lydia here" I hang up the phone. Sitting back down. My breath shaky.
I look at down at my hands there shaking my phone drops. Breath Scott. I hear Alison's voice. I turn. Alison's dead Scott. It's your fault. You weren't there for her. My head throbs, I bend down to pick my phone and sit up its pitch black. I stand up, the doors shut. Stiles is gone. The rooms empty. What's happening. I turn around spinning. I see a body laying curled in the corner. I walk towards it. It's a girl. My heart sinks. Alison. I drop besides her. Alison! Alison please wake up.

Stiles pov
My eyes slowly open. I see a figure standing at the door. "Hello Stiles" it's void. He walks in "I see you have a friend." My head cloudy, I frown "w..w..what do you mean?" I'm in to much pain to turn my head. The nogistune laughs "well..let's just say your not the only head I can get into"

He's standing by my bed. Unable to move I stare back at him "S..Scott?" I force my self to twist my head. I scream in pain. "What a beautiful sound, I can hear the pain in your voice it's really quite stunning" he smirks and holds his hands behind his back. Scotts in the corner laying on the floor.

"What did you do to him!" My words weak. Voids hand grabs the sides of my face and he pulls me up our faces centimetres apart. I scream again the sound piercing my own ears and scratching my throat. My heart monitor races, the sound banging in my head.

My wound burns the pain feeling as bad as it did when I was shot. The nogistune laughs. Unable to speak from the pain I stare at him my eyes wide in shock. I scream again. "Oh do shut up" The nogistune swings his hand back smashing it against the side of my head, I fall back toppling off the bed I smash my head on the ground.

Scotts Pwwov

Alison continues to lay still I have her in my grasp; her body cold. Her eyes open "S..Scott" she whispers "You have to wake up, Scott wake up" I fall back. My eyes Spring open and I roar the sound bellowing to hear, Derek stares at me in shock. "What the hell is going on" he says picking me up, I look around the room still in daze "Stiles.. " I start to walk over to the bed but Derek grabs my arm and pulls me back "he's gone. Void has him it has to be him" Derek's grip tightens "What did he do to you? Your weak" I look up him speechless.

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