Control yourself

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I awake screaming. "Sh Sh sh Stiles" Void holds his finger to his lips like I'm a child. "Fun and games that's all it is" he smiles "Okay I need to leave, you stay tight I'll be back in a couple of hours" he pats my head and leaves leading up the stairs until the darkness takes him. I hear a loud bang. I'm left In the pitch black in complete silence.

Scotts PoV
I lay down on my bed I think it's the first time this week I've actually been home. We've been looking for stiles for days, Lydia still is repeating the words but she's going back to normal now. Nothing's happened were just sitting waiting. I would be out looking for Stiles but Derek sent me home, I haven't slept all week and he could tell which means I wasn't any help when I was with him.

My eyes start to drop. Drifting away until. I hear a creek coming from my door, I sit up. Void stands in the door way "Oh sorry did I wake you" Void holds the door frame. I jump up running for Void grabbing his neck and pinning him to the wall "Where is he!" I scream in his face. He only returns with a laugh, I lift up his neck so his feet hang from the ground "keep going" Void continues to laugh gasping for a breath. I pull him back and throw him back into the wall "Where is he" I can't control myself the anger bubbles inside "I would let go of me. If i was you" Void's expression drops.  "Why" I spit the words out tightening my grip.

Stiles PoV
I awake. Gasping for breath something tight holds my neck. But nothing's there. The pressure tightens. I weeze. My head throbbing in pain. Black spots start to appear around the room flashing. I try to lift my hands trying to break the braces on my wrist it burns. I try to swallow but it's cut off by the grip on my neck. I continue to weeze. A pain forms from the back of my head. I scream in pain. My eye sight blurs until darkness fills then my head falling back. I pass out.

Scott PoV
Void laughs. I grip him tighter. Red marks form on his neck. He starts to weeze "Okay. Okay"  he laughs, "Control yourself Scott." I realise what I'm actually doing and I drop him, he falls to the ground griping his neck. "Where's Stiles" my voice shakes "What did you do to him!" Void stands up "Your'll get him back stop fussing Scott" he shakes his head.

I step closer to him " I said where is he" I can't control my anger. Void stays quite I grab his face, squeezing it "Tell ME!" I scream the words. My eyes turn red glowing on the nogistune pale skin. "Do you ever think about Alison." My hands still grip to his face shake. Speechless I stare at him. "Do you think of her dying in your arms" he smirks "All vulnerable...Pale" "Stop" I shake my head "Her last breath...Her hand falling from your grip" I let go of Voids his face marked with red lines.

"You could of saved her" my anger rising I throw my fist at Voids nose; Void stumbles back hitting my wall "Nice hit" I run towards him grabbing his arms slamming them into my wall. Winded.. he gasps for breath. Blood flowing from his nose into his mouth. He laughs. I dig my nails into his arms cutting through his top. "Your not hurting me you know. Your hurting him"

Stiles's POV

I awake screaming. Blood falls from my arms. I look down towards them I feel the coolness of my blood on my skin. My neck burns sore to move, my head throbs rapidly. What the hell is happening. My stomach tightens I look down at my top, blood sticks to my top surrounding my wound. I'm losing to much blood I'm I'm going to die if I don't get out off here. My head cloudy. Stiles.. Remember what Alison told you. I try to fight the abyss. I start to shuffle kicking my legs, swinging them back and forth eventually I fall back slamming to the ground my head hits the ground sending a shot of pain down my spine. The chair snaps and my hands break free. I scream my throat raw. You've got to get out of here I hear Alison's voice. My stomach throbbing cramping as I try to stand I collapse to the ground again, breathing heavily.

Get up. Get up. I stand feeling one of my stitches rip. I scream in agony. I see the stair case 2 or 3 meters away. I stubble over grabbing the staircase I fall to them. I crawl slowly each time a sharp pain jolts through my body. I reach the top step. Out of breath I try to stand. I grab the door handle its locked oh great. I look down at the handle and ram my shoulder into the door, screaming. Repeating this move eventually the door swings open. 

I fall out onto the ground my shoulder numb. I lay on the ground panting. Two or three of my stitches ripped I can feel the blood trickle down my stomach. I look around continuing to stay laying on the ground my body to weak to move. I'm.. Im in a basement? I look around the basement is full of books and gas tanks shelfs stacked with crates. I'm at the school. My eyes blurring I look for an exit. A bright green light glows behind a few shelfs.  I move my arm to my stomach I feel the blood on my shirt I look at my hand it's bright red. My eyes slowly fading in and out I press down on my wound screeching in pain I pass out.

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