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I awake my head cloudy, I'm in a room I can't tell where. I look up at the celling. White walls. White lights. Pain spread across my body. I lay still. I'm about to close my eyes when, I see a figure in the corner of the room. It moves closer. It's the nogistune.

Full of medication the room is spinning. I try to stay looking at him "w..h" mouth shuts dry unable to talk the sounds comes out as a whisper "shhhh, don't waste your breath Stiles" he stands by my bed looking down, I try to keep my eyes open but there becoming heavier. " You see Stiles, your in a lot of pain and will be for a while, so I'm here to make you more useful for me" I breath in. "You see a Nogistune feeds of pain and what better place to go than Hospital, I'm in here doing my usual routine and I spot my good old pal.. Which is you by the way." He smirks "So cutting the story short I'm hear to take your pain.. Hope you don't mind" He grips my face and his eyes open wide.

I feel a hot rush of pain I scream out watching a black liquid rush into the Nogistune face he laughs. My eyes start to slip back, I scream again trying to move but it sends a sharp pain from my bullet wound up into my head. I suck in a breath. My eye slip back and just before the darkness takes the Nogistune lets go "Thanks for that, I'll be back soon" and my eyes slip back.

My eyes flick open, the bright light burns,I shut my eyes again. When I slowly open them I see my dad in the corner his head rested on his shoulders. "Dad?" The words burn in my throat. My eyes slowly full shut the drug dosage must be high as I can barley stay awake for more than a second, my thoughts drift away.

Scott Point of view

"Scott. Scott" My mum holds my shoulder slightly shaking it. " He made it through its a miracle, he's in his room but he's in alot of pain and he's not really himself with the medication he's on, he's probably very drowsey" I sit up my neck acing, "Can I... Can I see him" I start to get out of chair. "Yes, he's in room 322" before she says anymore I sprint down the hallway.

I open up the door.My heart racing. Stilinski sat by Stiles's bed his head resting on his shoulders. He awakes when I walk through "Sorry, can I come in" Stilinski nods and smiles "I'll go get a coffee" he stands up clicking his neck and leaves. I head over to Stiles he lays still his chest falling slowly he has tubes and wires coming from everywhere one leading to a heart monitor. It beeps a slow beat. I sit in Stilinski's seat and breath in.

Stiles Point of view

"Hey" The words come out as a tight whisper.I heard Scott come in, my eye's stay shut to heavy to open. "Stiles...I'm...I'm so sorry" Scotts voice sounded weak. "Its my fault this happened.. It would of never of happened if I had a better plan.. If we.. If we all stuck together." He sucks in a breath it shakes. I breath in a deep breath the pain spreads as my chest falls "ah" It comes out as a whisper. I open my eyes slowly. Scott sits with his head in his hands "Scott..Its...Its..not.your..fault" the words slur in a quite tone. The darkness starts to appear in my mind I continue to fight it. "How's.. everyone" I suck in a breath. Scotts head jerks up "Lydia" His eyes wide open. I tilt my head towards him an explosion of pain comes from my stomach I screech "Stiles!" Scott grabs my arm "Stiles. Are you okay? Are the drugs working?" His voice sounds miles away the echo in my head. I nod "I'm..I'm fine" My eyes slowly shut the pain numbing my mind. "Scott..something..someone was here" I cant control myself from telling him "Stiles. Who. Who was..." My mind slips away.

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