A little bit of reality

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Scott walks over picking me up. I groan as he lifts me up. Lydia walks in "Stiles" she sprints over smiling and runs into a hug, gripping me tightly in her grasp, sucking the air out of me, my wound pounding. But I continue to hug her what feels like weeks since I saw her I don't want to let go. "Oh god I'm so happy your okay" she pulls back the tears forming in her eyes. I smile.

The pain building in my stomach I walk over to my machine and higher the dosage of morphine. I turn around to see everyone watching me. I sigh "I'm okay, don't worry" A slight white lie I smile again. I don't want to lay down in bed I'm tired of being weak.

" Void.. okay what are we gonna do about him" Scott huffs Derek looks down shaking his head "We don't know where he is? What he's doing?" I join in looking at them all. The room fading in and out, my hands shaking and the pain oh the pain. I don't want to admit so I keep it to myself be strong Stiles my mothers voice enters my head, causing a headache and memories of her when I was young.

"Stiles hello earth to Stiles anyone in their" I jerk my head to Derek "are you okay Stiles maybe you should lay down" Scott looks to Lydia then to me "I'm fine" Derek huffs and continues to talk but my other thoughts drift back in Why now Is my mother effecting me. Calm Stiles the words repeat in my head. Derek leaves the room. Crap. What was he talking about. Scott follows I turn to Lydia frowning "What's happening"
she walks over and holders my shoulders, making me shiver.

"You weren't listening were you" she shakes her head laughing "Oh stiles" I look up at her laughing to. "That's something I haven't seen for a while" she smiles and holds my face, I feel myself getting hotter her touch soft "Lydia I'm so sorry I left you in the jeep. I shouldn't of left you" the words spilling out of me I close my mouth "Stiles you don't need to apologise" she shakes her head stepping in closer "but if I hadn't of left you Void would have never of got to you. You.. You wouldn't..." I was cut off by Lydia's lips placed on mine her eyes shut I open my eyes wide in shock starring at her beautiful face in the sunlight. I close my eyes her lips soft on mine, she leans out smiling "Sorry had to stop you talking" she laughed pushing her hair off her face. Still in shock I stare at her face "It's it's okay, well of course it's okay.. I..I.. Enjoyed it. Oh god" I cover my face with my hand. She holds my hand lowering it to my side "Stiles" I hold her waist and kiss her again, it feels so normal, perfect this probably isn't the best time to kissing but right now just a little bit of reality is what I need.. What we all need.

"Mr.Stilinski" I jump back startled Lydia does the same. A doctor stands in the door way frowning.. " Visiting time is over Stiles" he looks down at his papers "I should.. I should go"Lydia try's to conceal her laughter and embarrassment by keep a straight face "Bye Stiles" she smirks and walks out.

"Mr stilinski please get back into bed" still trying to hide my smile I walk over to my bed. When I sit on the bed a rush of pain forms from my wound "ah" I grab my stomach. The doctor sprints over "Stiles.. you need something stronger" he shakes his head "What were you doing out of bed anyway.. Your to weak. I'll go get some stronger medication. Get into bed"

'Weak' the word fills me with anger I huff and get into the hard hospital bed. I lay there for about 5 minutes. When the Doctor  comes back in. "Here we go" he's carrying a long needle my breath speeds the needle brings back unwanted memories. "Urm.. Ur.. why a needle" my speech shaky "To enter the medication into your blood stream quicker" the doctor smiles and holds my arm.

Still shaking I look down at the needle going in a small prick on my skin and I watch the liquid leave the needle. From experiences I know it kicks in pretty quick, as soon as the doctor stands my body becomes numb my head slowly falling back. "The medication will start to work and hopefully the pain will go" he leaves the room. I don't want to pass out I'm scared I'll awake and I'll be somewhere else. The thoughts deepen in my mind becoming cloudy. My eyes opening and closing, painful flash backs of voids mind games enter my thoughts. I feel my mind slipping. My body completely numb unable to move. I feel my eyes slipping back. I pass out.

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