Where the hell is Void?

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I sit at lunch still out of breath from our second lap around and as a result my stomachs a painful ache
"Right I'm going to say it as we've all been thinking it" Malia huffs as she puts down her sandwich
"Where the hell is Void. It's nearly been a week and nothing has happened. Is he coming back? Is it over?" Malia shakes her head
"Or is he waiting" I turn to her holding my stomach
"We need a plan" Lydia looks at Scott
"Will make a plan when he's back" I look to Scott as he speaks my head starting to cloud as I start to regret mucking about my wound begins to throb.
"But what if by the time he's back he's already killed half of Beacon Hills" Malia frowns slightly annoyed
"Okay then will make a plan tonight at the loft" Scott takes a sip of his drink
"But it is nice" we all look to Kira confused
"Being normal for at least a couple of days wasn't it amazing, nothing to worry about" Kira looks at Scott
We all nod
"Of course" Lydia smiles
"Do you think we would of all met" Lydia looks around at us
"I would off moved back home" Kira looks down
"I'd still be acting like a bitch" Lydia laughs
"I'd still be a Coyote" Malia frowns
"I'd be an asthmatic kid with no friends" Scott laughs
"Urm hello" I smirk "I was your friend before all of this" I raise my eye brows
"So yes you'd be the asthmatic kid with a sarcastic freak by your side" I winked
"Would I become a banshee?" Lydia frowns
"Not unless Peter bit you, but then Peter wouldn't even know who we were" Scott shrugs
"That guy Jackson would be here" Malia adds and then her face shows regrets from saying it
"So would Alison" Scotts voice falls
"And Aiden" Lydia adds
"Boyd and Erica" Scott looks down
"But we have this life now and I wouldn't want to change it" Lydia smiles
"Think of everything good that's happened" Lydia looks to Scott
Everyone smiles
"Right this has got to cheesy " Malia shakes her head
I laugh but tighten my grip on my stomach as the pain grows
I look down to see a patch of blood stained to my top
I frown lifting it to see the bandaid is covered In blood
"Stiles you okay" Scott asks I jerk my head to him
Lydia looks to me then down at my lifted top
her expression drops
"Stiles" she looks back up to me
"You know when you said don't do something stupid? I might have don't something stupid" I look up at Lydia then to Scott
"Oh crap I'm sorry Stiles I didn't mean..." Scott grabs his head
"Scott it's fine seriously" I shake my head causing it to spin
"Stiles is it your stitches" Lydia looks down her expression worried
"Yeah" I suddenly feel another eruption of pain in my stomach I let out a wince
Lydia grabs my arm "what happened"
"I.." I unable to finish my sentence from another wave of pain
"Your starting to lose to much blood Stiles" she starts to lift me up, I follow her lead weakly
"I'm coming so I can get my mum to help" Scott stands kissing kira
"Lyds" I mumble out by the sudden weak feeling as the blood drowns my top I stumble out the back entrance from school
"Don't we need to call your dad" Lydia looks to me
"No he can't know" I stutter out as I limp to the jeep, Scott jumps In the front with  Lydia and I in the back.

We pull up to the hospital Scott jumps out the front running to swing open the door
"Can you walk" he looks to the blood I nod taking hold of Lydia's hand
"I'll get my mum" Scott sprints inside I follow far behind as Lydia helps me in.
I'm greeted by Melissa as I enter
"Stiles my god" she looks to my top
"What happened" she walks with us into one of the rooms
"Ur me and Scott had a race in long distance training and it kind of ended up with us rolling along the floor" I look to Scott slightly laughing
"And when I said 'don't move much'?What exactly did you think I meant" Melissa huffs
I sit on the bed as Lydia and Scott stand either side of me
"I also said no school? Stiles you do realise you were shot...in the stomach all but 2 week ago" Melissa lifts up my top slowly revealing the blood soaked bandaid
"Least you listened to the ripped stitches part" she removes the bandaid exposing the blooded wound as she begins to clean the area it doesn't look as bad as it did all but 5 minutes ago. Melissa goes to stitch the area up again and then..
a voice fills the room. A voice I never wanted to hear again.

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