Where is she?

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I awake to see Melissa above me
"Are you okay" she speaks softly I nod and she takes my hand we then see Scott and rush over
"Scott" I shake Scotts arm lightly his eyes open slowly he groans in pain sitting up he takes holds his head
"Get up" I pull at his arm and then look to Stiles who still lays unconscious on the ground, Scott leaps up a little to fast and stumbles forward Melissa grabs Scott, they hug and I let them talk as I rush over to Stiles
I now shake his arm
"Stiles" I speak softly
"Stiles" I repeat and a large groan of pain comes from Stiles
"I had to be the pillow didn't I" his eyes slowly open
"Stiles I'm so sorry" Scott runs over as Melissa has left, Stiles sits up looking dazed
"Lydia" his expression suddenly drops, he jumps up
"Where is she?" he stumbles around looking for her
"Stiles" Scott and I grab his collapsing body
"Okay breath" we lift him up so he's standing
He lets go of our grip
"Lydia was taken by Void we don't know where we don't know why but they're gone" I take back hold of Stiles's arm
He stays quite breathing slowly
"I'm so sorry Stiles" I speak softly
"How do we get her back?"  his tone a little sharp
"We'll go to Deatons" Scott brushes a hand over his face Stiles starts to walk away
"Stiles wait, are you okay? you took a pretty big hit" I look to him seriously
"I don't care about me come on" he lets go of my grip and heads to the door limping holding his stomach me and Scott look at each other and follow

We pull up at Deatons,
Stiles's face looking extremely pale I walk up to him and notice his wound
"You idiot why didn't you say you never got stitched up" I hit his arm lightly
"I had other things on my mind" he looks down and holds his stomach
Scott jumps out
"Dude I completely forgot I'm so sorry... We can get Deaton to help"
Stiles places a fake smile on his lips
"Let's go" he nods and we walk into Deatons

"Scott,Malia,Stiles...what can I do for you" Deaton smiles I then watch his eyes catch Stiles's stomach
"Stiles?" He frowns
"Stiles's spilt his stitches we were at the hospital but we were attacked by Void and never had time to get him re stitched" I huff
"We need a plan to kill Void for good" Scott steps forward
"Void took Lydia" Stiles mumbles out
Deaton looks up shocked "Come in" he nods
Stiles uses Scott for support as they enter Deatons clinic

"Are we really going for this plan" I cross my arms looking at Stiles who sits on the the table as Deaton sorts out his stitches
"Its plan B" Scott shakes his head
"Plan A never works" I look to Scott frowning
"I know" he holds his head
"It's my choice" Stiles cuts in weakly
"Stiles you could die!" I throw my hands out
"Mal I won't" he looks to me deeply in the eyes
"We have plan A" Scott nods "We have Kira we know what we're doing, Kira is meeting us at the school so is Derek, when we tried to kill Void the first time we took the sword out allowing him to heal we killed him our selfs what we needed to do was use an Oni sword we turn them against him they are they only ones who's can kill a nogistuine." Scott looks seriously around at us all
"And if they don't turn against him are you seriously saying plan B is okay?" I look to Deaton
"It's Stiles's choice" he speaks softly which fills me with even more anger
"Stiles you can't!" I shake my head
"It's for Lydia Mal I have to do this" Stiles throws his hands up
"I'm doing it" he repeats slowly lowering his hands pulling down his blooded tshirt and slides off the table
"Void will be at the school he knows I'll be there so he'll show up the plan will work" Stiles clamps his shaking hands together
"And if he doesn't show?" I question looking at his shaking hands
Stiles looks to me and releases his grip
"He'll show"
Deaton turns and walks over to a draw taking out a needle
He walks back over to Stiles
"Only use if you have to" Deaton passes the black coloured liquid needle to Stiles who slides it into his pocket
"Let's go save Lydia" Stiles nods and begins to walk out
Scott smiles and follows
"Let's go save Lydia"

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