Dark secrets

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My eyes ping open. I sit up and gasp for breath. I'm hit by a flood of pain. I slowly stand up regretting my last sudden movement, I open up the jeep door. It's going dark. I see my phone flashing 5 miss calls from Scott. 3 from Lydia and 2 from Malia. Great. I get in the jeep breathing slowly. And head towards Scotts.

As I walk up to Scotts house my body aches.I open up the door. I walk past a mirror and notice my face, it's extremely pale, I have a bruised cheek and a cut on my head which is bleeding it leads all the way down the side of my face and a bruise forming under neath and to top it of a split lip. Great I look like I've been beaten up.

My head throbs again as I walk up the stairs each sound echoes in my head. I open up Scotts door. All their heads turn in sync "Stiles! What happened!" Lydia stands up rushing over, Scott follows "I'm fine it's not as bad as it looks really" "Stiles" "It's nothing please I'm sorry I'm late when are we leaving?" I try to move on but obviously that wasn't going to happen.

"I'll go clean up you guys carry on" I move towards Scotts bathroom but everything seems wonky the room is slightly spinning. I hold onto the wall for balance. Concussion.. it must be. Great just what I need. I try to walk strait when I eventually reach Scotts bathroom I topple in. Shutting the door behind me. 

I can hear that no ones talking so I turn the tap on and lean on Scotts sink. I look in the mirror dark circles have formed under my eye. I look down at the rushing water in the sink and wash my face. I jump by the touch of someone holding my shoulder. I turn around its Lydia "Sorry, I know you said your fine but" I cut her off "Its okay" I sit on the edge of the bath looking down at my hands they tremble. "Stiles what really happened" Lydia voice is soft like a whisper "It was just.. Just a panic attack" I stay looking down.

Lydia leans in and lifts my face up her hand warm on my cheek "Another one? Stiles are they getting worse?" I look into her eyes they fall like there worried. I nod "I.. It's just" I get up and walk back to the sink. "Stiles you can tell me" I turn around the story flows out I can't control it, I tell her about the memories, about how the panic attacks happen every day how each day there getting worse. There's something about Lydia that makes you want to tell all your darkest secrets to her. My thoughts are cut off my Scott walking in "You ready to go?" he smiles. We both nod our head.

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