What the hell is happening

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I scream awake. This time laying on the hospital floor I sit up grabbing my chest where I was just stabbed. Nothing's there I look at Scott he lays in the corner "what the" I look around pain shoots across my torsos. I look down I'm in a hospital gown, still with my gun shot wound. My hands have tubes coming out of the them leading to machines. I can hear the beating of my heart on the monitor.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Scott awakes screaming sitting up strait. I jump my heart racing on the monitor. "Scott, Scott look at me" He turns jerking. "Oh god Stiles" his voice weak. "What the hell is happening to us" he lays back down breathing heavily starring at the celling. I lay down too "I wish I knew" my breathing speeding I try to catch it breath Stiles a calming voice enters my head sounding like my mother.

"Stiles I'm so sorry" scott weakly whispers "It wasnt your fault Scott" I contuine to stare at the white celling my breaths still a little short. "Stiles..you died...twice" Scotts voice slightly crumbles 'I..I thought it was real Stiles... it felt so real" I picture the sword going though me "I thought it was real too" my voice a whisper I feel my eyes watering "Stiles" scott in hales a shaky breath. "How do we know if this is real"

"What the hell are you to doing" Derek walks in frowning his expression confused. We stay quite both starring at the white celling still in shock. "Wait Derek. What are you doing here" Scott sits up I continue to lay down my stomach sore. "Scott what are you talking about? You called me? About 10 minutes ago? Asking to bring Lydia. She's outside in the waiting room?" Derek continues to frown. "What..." He stops "Scott your scaring me what is going on"
"Let's just say it's been a lot longer than 10 minutes for us" I breath in and out my speech still shaky.

"It was Void he tricked us" Scott shakes his head rubbing his eyes."He plays a mind game, he makes a vertual reality, it feels real, looks real, to us we were in it for days..  Scott explains the rest of the story to Derek but I close my eyes zoning in and out of there conversation.

"Stiles.. Stiles" I open my eyes to see Derek leaning over me. "You gonna get off the floor or lay there all day" Derek speaks in a sarcastic tone. I hadn't realised but I'd fallen asleep, my body tired my head cloudy and my eyes feel heavy. "Can I see Lydia" my voice quite I look up to Derek and Scott. Derek nods and smiles "I'll go get her" he leaves.

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