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I awake jerking up in bed gasping for breath. The room still spining my head still cloudy I try to think strait. Void I need to tell Scott about void. I need to tell him now.
"Hey..Hey stiles..Stiles look at me" I lift my head up to see my dad sitting in front of me his face full of fear.
I let out a shaky breath "Sorry" I brush my hand over my hair
"wh..when did you get here" I look at the machines still attached to my arm
"Stiles you've been in and out for 5 days" he palaces his hand on my shoulder
"Are you okay" I turn my head to face my dad "Yeah Urm great..Urm what time is it" I  look down at my dads watch
"11 o'clock" I look out to the window its pitch black
"They said they could release you tomorrow as the stitches are in good condition. Healing well" He smiles
"You okay for going home" he seems worried "Yeah dad it would be great to get out of this bed" I slightly smile trying to make him less worried
"Well you can meet Scott tomorrow if you want and everyone else? They could come round if you'd like" I smile again" Thanks"
he kisses my forehead as he stands
"I'm going to go grab some coffee you get some rest" he leaves closing the door behind him.


I sit on the bed finally dressed in my normal clothes well not the usual but at least mine. I fiddle with my hands and tap my foot as my dad signs papers for the doctors, I can never sit still for long
"Right Stiles your good to go, you need rest and sleep, if your stitches rip or become infected call the hospital strait away" I nod as I stand up taking my dads arm for a little support and I finally leave this place.


Scott pulls in on his motorbike just as I'm getting out the car.
"Hey Scott" I smile as I close the door
"Hey Lyds" he walks over. The thought enters my head of the last time I saw Stiles we kissed my mind drifts off.

"Lydia...Lydia are we going to go in or stay out here for the day" Scott laughs as he takes my hand
"Sorry" I laugh back
"Thinking about your kiss" he smirks I jerk my head to him
" do you know" my eyes widen in shock
"I have super natural hearing Lyds" he laughs as he knocks on Stiles's door oh great.

The door swings open producing Stiles who's hair is matted and tangled his face ghostly pale with greyish coloured bags under his eyes wearing a navy sweatshirt and grey joggers which is very strange to see him in. He looks thin and tired but I can't really think someone who's been shot to look fit and well.
"Hey" Stiles smiles I stare at him taking in his condition
  "You going to come in or stand outside all day" I swear Stiles and Scott are the same person.
Scott hugs Stiles tightly
"You okay bro" Stiles nods leaving the hug to greet me
"Stiles" I whisper as I wrap my arms around his chest he hugs back tightly.
Stiles closes the door and heads into the kitchen I notice him limping.
"Want a drink" her turns around to me and Scott
"Yeah.. Urm I'll get it" Scott walks over to Stiles
"Scott I'm not dying okay I think I can get you a drink" he holds the counter as he gets three glasses Scott watches his every move.

"So... You guys going to speak or have you come to just stare at me" Stiles takes his drink. I hadn't noticed but me and Scott hadn't spoken since we sat down
"Okay then... I need to tell you something " Stiles's tone drops to his serious voice I lean in wanting to know
Scott frowns looking directly at Stiles
"Void he came into the hospital the day after you guys left, he.. I can't remember exactly what he said its all a blur" Stiles looks down "What do you mean" I ask while pushing a piece of hair back
"He drugged me not sure what with but he said something about him leaving Beacon Hills for a while and how he has a plan.. I.. I'm sorry I don't remember much but I thought I should tell you maybe it will come back to me in a couple of days" Scott places his hand on Stiles's knee "It's okay Stiles" Scott smiles leaning back taking a sip of his Coke.

"We should tell her" Scott looks to Stiles then to me
"What..Stiles..Scott tell me what" I ask quickly worried for the answer
"Voids mind games" Stiles huffs
We explain the story
"So it feels real" I ask slowly still taking in the information
"Yes like what it's like right now for us is what it's like in the game"
Scott shakes his head
"It's confusing"
"How do you know this is real" I frown
"We don't" Stiles huffs
"But usually something bad happens quite quickly" Scott adds
"Like me dying" Stiles sarcastically adds in
"Twice" Scott shakes his head
"And then you wake up" I look to Stiles
"Yup" he nods
Scotts phone starts to ring
"It's Derek he said he needs help about Void..Stiles is it okay.."
Stiles cuts in "Go" he smiles
"Help Mr grumpy wolf out"
I conceal my laugh
"See you soon Stiles, I'll come round tomorrow after school, see you at school Lyds" Scott waves as he leaves the house.

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