The return

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In the jeep it's me, Lydia, Malia and Kira. Scotts behind on his motorbike and we're meeting Derek there. The drive is silent I think everyones worried what to expect.

I pull up outside the building. Scott pulls up behind. I jump out "Okay so I'm thinking we should spilt up in 3?" Scott puts his helmet down. "Kira Malia and Derek? You go in the front and me Stiles and Lydia will go out the back" We all nod, Derek pulls up and gets out "You ready? We don't know what's going to be in there okay? Everyone stick together" Again we all nod, my hands start to feel sweaty I rub them on my trousers. I don't really know what me and Lydia will do but Parrish has been teaching us some defence techniques. I look at Lydia she slightly smiles catching my stare.

We walk in to the storage unit it's pitch black my eyes unable to adjust. I suck in a breath. As we enter the open space I spot figures in corners of the room the Oni? I walk beside Lydia. "So you found us?" A voice echoes around the room "You took your time" I look around trying to follow the sounds. "We're here for the nogistune" Scotts voice rises "Well your came to right place" A see a figure walking out from the darkness. It's me.

I breath in Lydia grabs my hand. Scott steps forward "We thought we killed you? I remember watching you turn to dust" before he can say anymore the nogistune interrupts and starts to walk closer "You thought you killed me, you never actually knew for sure, I've been away getting stronger realised I wasn't done with Beacon Hills so I came back. Did you miss me?"

The nogistune is face to face with Scott. He leans to the left "Lydia" he leans to the right "Stiles" he nods and faces Scott. My hands clench into fists. "I've got more you know" he turns and walks away from Scott "More what" I say stepping forward "You better watch that temper Stiles" he doesn't turn he continues to walk.

The figures come out from the darkness heading towards us. "I'll be on my way, see you guys later. If you make it out" Scott stands frozen he slowly turns into a werewolf. More figures come out of the darkness, people? Werewolfs? Oni's? What the hell is happening?

Scott runs forward heading towards the Nogistune, he turns and pushes his hands out not even touching Scott but some how Scotts thrown back sliding along the floor. Me and Lydia turn around but we're surround by figures. One grabs me by behind my arms. And one grabs Lydia I try kicking out but I can't. I continue to kick as I see Lydia being dragged off. I scream her name. The figure drags me along the floor I continue to shout "Get off me!" I notice I'm heading for a wall and the figure picks me and shoves me into the wall pain rushes through my forehead and spreads the figure pulls back and hits me against the wall again this time I let out a scream of pain, my head starts to spin and black spots surround me I get thrown against the wall continuously my body goes limp I'm unable to fight back the darkness nearly has me and the figure throws me to the floor my body slides along and my head bounces of the ground and everything goes dark.

"Stiles!" The scream pierces my ear. Everything slows down. A figure stands tall gripping Lydia's neck pinning her against the wall. He holds a gun to Lydia's head. I get off the ground my head throbbing. I can feel the cool blood on my face. I try to sprint over to her but someone pulls me back gripping the back of my top, it tightens on my neck. I push my elbow out making contact with the figures stomach he falls back but pulls me down with him.

I land on the ground again hitting my head. The room starts to spin. I sit up and see the man laying next to me. He's unconscious. As I slowly get up I see Scott running towards Lydia. The figure gripping her neck throws Lydia across the room. I jerk up and sprint towards her screaming her name my throat burns. The figure who was holding her, heads towards Scott shooting a gun in any direction. As I sprint the drilling sound of the bullets echo in my head. I reach Lydia she's breathing her chest falls up and down slowly. Scott continues to fight the figure dogging the bullets. His red eyes flash towards me. I start to lift Lydia up ready to grab her and run for my life.Literally.

As soon as I stand I sprint out the storage building heading for the jeep if someone comes right now this will be it.

I reach the jeep slowly laying Lydia on the back seat, I suddenly regret my decision on leaving Scott, I grab my bat from behind the seat and run back inside, my heart beating violently.

I reach the open space I see Scott fighting four figures. More have come. I continue to head towards Scott gasping for breath, sweat trickles down my back. As I'm about 3 or 4 meters away I see a man running towards me. In shock I stand still gripping my bat tighter. He shoots a gun.
I try to turn and run but 3 tall figures stand around me. I'm trapped. The man reaches me smirking. I swing my bat hitting the figures I knock one down he turns to dust as I breath in, something lands on my back. My bat flys out of reach.

My face smashes to the floor. I try to suck in for a breath but all the air was knocked out. The man flips me over to my back. I gasp. He hits me in my lower jaw a explosion of pain spreads across my face. My arms pinned down by his legs finally break free I chuck the man off landing on top of him. I throw my fist making contact with his nose his eyes widen in anger. I can feel his hand moving and before I can back away I hear a click.. A gun. Pure pain rips through my stomach, the impact throws me back.

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