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My head on Stiles's chest as we watch a film I feel his chest rise up and down in calming patterns
"Lyds I hate to say it but I've got to get up" Stiles looks down I smirk
"And why is that Mr. Stilinski" I frown
"I need a shower" he brushes a piece of hair out of my face smiling, I sit up and stand as Stiles follows he limps towards the stairs as he reaches the steps he huffs and sucks in a deep breath, taking hold of the banstead he grips tightly and lifts his leg then the other slowly taking in deep breaths, he takes another slow step
"Stiles.. I can help.. You don't have to pretend your fine" I shake my head although he can't see me
"I..I'm fine. Sorry I forgot to say it takes me a while to get up...Probably should of let you go first" he lets out a shaky laugh
"I'll just finish the end of the movie as you make your way up" I laugh
"Rude" he laughs again taking another step.


I sit on Stiles's bed fiddling with his duvet listening to the shower run. I hear Stiles's voice in the shower worried I stand walking towards the bathroom
"Stiles" I lean against the door listening "Seriously" I laugh and turn around back to his bed.
I hear Stiles singing louder I hold my head in my hands
"Oh dear god" I whisper
The shower stops
And out walks a fresh Stiles Stilinski, his towel rapped around his waist I'd never seen Stiles shirtless and my oh my was I shocked.
When I said he looked thin well I take that back Stiles's stomach was muscled outlining a four pack his v line was sharp and his arms were thick with muscle but not to much.
Oh why do they call him weak if only they knew the boy who runs with wolfs is as strong as them.
"Lyds" Stiles frowns oh god I've just been starring at his body for the past 5 minutes "Sorry what did you say" I shake my head
"Are you staying the night? Not in a bad way I would love you too stay.. Not in a weird way it would be nice.. But only if you wanted to.. Oh crap." He runs his hand over his face
"Yes of course" I stand smiling
"You wanna borrow a top?" He smiles heading towards his draw
"No it's okay I'll sleep in this" I look down seriously Lydia your wearing a denim jacket a tight top and a skirt
"Seriously" Stiles looks down at my clothes "No. Sorry can I have a top" I laugh
"Sure" he smiles
"Here's one" he brings over a burgundy lose top "this okay" he looks down at it
I nod "perfect" and smile as I take it into the bathroom.
I leave with the perfectly fitting top not to big not small. Stiles wears a tight top still outlining his muscles why doesn't he wear these out? and long navy bottoms
"It suits you" he smiles
"Thanks" I walk towards the bed as I go to sit down Stiles takes my hand spinning me around only inches apart he speaks
"I...I can't stop thinking about" he whispers I add on
"The hospital" I look up at his dark brown eyes
"Me too" I hold his cheek
"Lyds" he brushes the hair out of my face but before he says anymore I lean and kiss his soft lips, my heart races as he kisses back slowly but not to slow. His fingers run down my cheek and wrap around my hair.

"Lyds" I lay on Stiles's bed my head now back to resting on his chest as his heart beat calming to my ears
"Yes" I take my hand wrapping it around Stiles's
"Thanks for staying I just... Didn't want to be alone after all this" his voice sounds shaky
"You don't have to explain" I look up to his pale face and kiss his soft lips again.
I feel his heart beating faster every Kiss.
"What about Void" Stiles leans out as his head drops to his pillow closing his sleepy eyes
I lean back on his chest
  "You said he's left town for a while. Maybe we could just be normal teenagers until then, no supernatural, no injures,no fights. Just school but then it's Beacon Hills so when does supernatural ever leave us alone." I breath in waiting for Stiles's sarcastic reply... I lift my head to see him asleep, he looks peaceful and calm. I move off his chest and lay beside him. And before I know it
sleep takes me as well.

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