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I awake gasping for breath. I sit up strait my breath speeding
"Stiles" Lydia sits up and holds my arm
"Stiles are you okay" she speaks softly my heart racing faster this isn't real
"Void" I whisper shaking my head
"This isn't real" I look to Lydia but she becomes a blur fading out
"L..l.lydia no no no yo.oou your not real this fake this is fake" I turn to the window then back to Lydia
"I..I" I get out of the bed slightly stumbling griping on to my wall
"You..You can't trick me again" I whisper while turning around trying to find something to indicate the fake reality. I feel the room starting to spin and fade as Lydia stands up "Stiles please. This is real I'm here Void..Void isn't here" she takes another step closer " no no no" I grip my head bending over "Your lying" tears start to form in my eyes "This isn't real" I repeat again gasping for breath.
I jult my head up by the touch of Lydia her hand placed on my shoulder
"Stiles" she takes my cheek lifting my face to her's
"Stiles this is real" I shake my head as an answer and more tears form in my eyes
"Listen to me okay, you need to breath Stiles" I close my eyes my breath speeding becoming a pant
"I..I this... I can't" I hold my chest as my lungs start to shut down
"Look at me okay" her expression feared she holds my face
"Together" she whispers and kisses me I hold my breath, as the room fades out I pull away hitting the wall sucking in breath
  "Together" I slide down the wall holding my chest
"I'm so sorry Lyds, I..I thought it was another trick" I look down at my floor
"Stiles it's okay" she places her hand on my leg
"Right now we need to find away how stop these panic attacks instead of me just kissing you" Lydia laughs as she sits beside me
"I'm good with the kissing" I smile and lean my head on the wall, sucking in another deep breath I close my eyes my head pounding and spinning
"What do you mean by together" I whisper out as sleep begins to take me
"That what ever happens to you or to me we're in this together" her tone soft I feel my mind slipping and Lydia's hand linking in with mine as the darkness takes me.



"Stiles..Stiles" I hold Stiles's arm lightly shaking it his eyes flicker as they slowly open, he smiles weakly
"Remind me not to sleep by a wall" Stiles leans forward huffing he gets up groaning
"So why are we up at 7" Stiles looks back from  his clock
"I've got to get to school" I smirk as I grab my clothes heading for the bathroom and close the door before I hear Stiles's sarcastic reply.
I open up the door and poke my head out
"Can I have a shower" Stiles spins around
"Be my guest" he smiles
"Towels are in the draw" he points through the crack in the door "Thank you" I grin and close the door.


"Are we going to talk about it.. Last night" I huff as I kiss Stiles on the cheek taking his hand while his face goes white by the thought of last nights nightmares
"Not if we don't have to" he whispers as he kisses my hand softly.
"Are you sure it's okay I go" I look deeply into his eyes they look colourless a grey colour rather than his chocolate brown pebbles he smiles
"Yes go enjoy school..if you can. And say Hi to everyone for me" he brushes the hair out of my face
"And if anything happens Lyds, call me and I'll be there" he kisses my forehead and I leave the house with a smile on my face.

We sit down at lunch and I explain he story to the pack.
"Scott had the same" Kira looks towards Scott "What?" Scott frowns his face covered in confusion
"I didn't want to say...It wasn't as bad as Stiles's was, but you kept whispering in your sleep" Kira looks down
"Saying 'this isn't real' and saying stiles's name" Scott frowns
"Well.. This sounds like the sacrifice all over again" Isaac huffs.
"It's not the sacrifices" I shake my head I notice Scotts gone quite
"Scott it's okay" he looks up his eyes worried
"I'm not worried about me, but if it is the sacrifices I don't won't to lose anyone else"

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