Your'll be fine

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"Stiles please" I shake my head my voice still weak.
"Oh Lydia this was just getting fun" Void smirks and looks down at Stiles
"I won't need to kill you Stiles it looks like your already half way there" He smiles what does he mean? oh god Stiles lied
"Stiles your okay your'll be fine" I try to look over to him but the pillar blocks my view
"Nice Lydia good try wasn't very convincing though" Void smirks. Stiles stays quite
"Why are we here" I look to void
"Your a banshee Lydia you can sense death before it happens and I don't want you spoiling the game for everyone do I?" He laughs and sits down between Stiles and I
"You know Stiles. When I was in your mind I saw that your a pretty messed up kid. Your mother wait.. What was her name again...Claudia ahh yes she.. She suffered from dementia didn't she. She was scared of you wasn't she Stiles, what was it that she use to say 'He's trying to kill me'
damn that must hurt coming from your own mother. I wouldn't know"
I cut in fed up with Voids sick games "Stiles don't listen to him okay"
Void laughs "She attacked you once didn't she." Stiles ignores his question
"She said it was the way you looked at her. How did you look at her Stiles, did you want her to die." Void leans his head back on the pillar
"Shut up" I speak harshly
"When she died. You were there weren't you Stiles. Watching her life leave her eyes. The pain she felt. She barley knew who you were so she's didn't care about you that much" Void tuts
"Your dad thinks it was your fault Stiles. You killed your mother"

I sit still my head resting on the pillar tears streaming down my face. I'm speechless I have nothing to say I didn't think I could speak, I feel ripped apart..weak, Voids words clung to me each sentence crumbles my heart making my stomach tighten and I continue to let tears fall from my eyes
"Stiles listen to me, you didn't kill you mother" Lydia whispers
memories flood back all the ones I tried so hard to forget Void brings them back he's seen them all. All the secrets I lock away and bury them inside, the feelings I hide Void brought them out of hiding.
"She came up with the name Stiles didn't she. It was near your 5th birthday wasn't it" my heart cramped as I picture my mum
"But that's when the dementia started to form shortly after your birthday eating away at her brain making you a stranger to her" I inhale a shaky breath from crying
"She would be ashamed of you, you know Stiles" I continue to look at the ground
"Void please stop" Lydia cries
"Being a weak human. You killed Alison..Aiden. Imagine her face finding out she knew you were a killer, she was right " I shake, my eyes stinging from the tears
"But I guess she's dead anyway so she's nothing now is she, just another body In the ground " he laughs and stands up, his words break down my walls leaving me torn apart
"Great chat. I'll be back" and he stands leaving.

What felt like hours after Void left I speak, I waited for a while as I knew how much Voids words effected Stiles of course they would it was heart breaking to hear. Imagine how Stiles feels
"Stiles" I ask in a small whisper no reply "Stiles he was trying to get into your head. Your mother loves you Stiles" tears form in my eyes I twist my head just to be able to see Stiles nod his head I don't expect him to reply he's probably broken after hearing Void. I know he doesn't want to speak so I continue back to silence only to hear Stiles's shaky breaths. I rest my head back and close my eyes I haven't slept in days after being kidnapped by Void I've never been able to sleep I still her the words I repeated 'My friends there all going to die'.

I stare at the floor lost in an abyss of pain and emotion. I know Lydia tried to talk to me but I couldn't I still can't find any words to say. After hearing Void I feel as broken as I did when my mother died. I didn't speak for days I'd have nightmares and panic attacks every day and night. I wouldn't eat I'd just sit in silence in my bedroom frozen. I buried it all away months after and then to be dug back up years later.
I look down at my wound still blood forms seeping through I place pressure on the wound the pain blocking my thoughts I lean back my head resting against the pillar my eyes water and I cry again, for a long time I'd hide or cover my tears but now filled with both physical and emotional pain I let out sob my breathing shaking tears continue to stream down my face, my eyes close and I sit and continue to cry for what feels like hours until my weakness grows,
"Together" I hear a weak whisper come from behind
I feel pain and tiredness swarm in and I pass out.

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