Stay with me

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Scotts POV
I sit down in History, the seat beside me is empty. Where Stiles sits. The thought of him missing makes my stomach turn everyone's out looking for him but one of us had to make it in and as I'm failing a few classes they picked me to go. I look around the classroom my thoughts drifting away "Mr McCall" I hear in the distance I jerk my head to the front of the class. I catch a scent. My eyes wide blood. "Mr McCall" ignoring the teacher I stand "Stiles" I whisper "Sit down Scott" I sprint out the class room trying to follow the scent. I run to the basement it has to be him it has to be Stiles I swing open the doors running down into the pitch black. I turn the steel door and sprint in the lights turn on automatically.

I run around screaming Stiles's name I see a another door I run over to it a body lays a few meters In front of the door. "STILES!" The scream burning my throat. I drop besides him, he's covered in bruises and cuts; blood pouring from his stomach his hand rested beside him, covered in his blood. His face colourless. I can't tell if he's breathing. I shake him slightly "Stiles wake up, Stiles please" tears start to form in my eyes. I place my hand on his open wound trying to stop the blood. "Stiles you've got to wake up Stiles, you have to wake up" I start to cry something I haven't done for along time "Stiles.. I can't.. I can't lose you" I lift my hands there covered in thick red blood. "Stiles please" I shake "Stiles" more tears run down my face. I left my phone up in History so I can't call for an ambulance. My head rushes with thoughts he's going to die. It's your fault. Do something! Tears fall onto Stiles top, his body still. I notice his neck it has the same markings as void's bruised neck, swollen. what? I look at his arms they also have the same markings but worse they haven't healed. My head blurs. I've got to get him out of here. As I lower my hand under his back a here a whisper my head darts towards Stiles.

Stiles POV

"Sc...." I try to get my words out but I'm to weak. My eyes still closed I try to slowly open them. They open slightly the light burning my eyes, Scott blurred ;the room spinning I take in a deep breath, as my stomach falls, my wound tightens in pain I screech silently.

Scott looks towards it "Stiles we need to leave, you .. you need to get to a hospital" I notice Scotts hand placing pressure on my wound. "H..How" how am I going to get up let alone leave. I swallow but a suffocating pain surrounds my neck. I choke slightly.

"Stiles I'll carry you come on" he picks up my back and my legs. As I lift off the ground I scream in agony. My head hangs off his arms the blood rushing to it making my head cloudy. Fading in and out of a painful abyss, as Scott carries me up the stairs.

"When we leave the basement I'm going to run you to the locker room you can wait there I'll run back to History grab my bag I'll call the ambulance" I nod "I.. I can walk" Scott looks at me confused "Stiles" shaking his head. "Scott" I say seriously " I'll go to the locker room you go to History please, it will be quicker" he lowers me leaning me up against a wall. "Stiles don't push yourself if you can't just wait I'm coming back" Scotts sprints away.

I hold the wall with one hand shuffling along the corridor my other hand gripped to my wound. Everything's tilted to one side I stumble against the wall stiles your nearly there. I hold the wall again for support the room spins fading in and out.

My body numb making it hard to lift while moving each step like a pile of weight. Luckily everyone's still in lessons. I can see the locker room but suddenly the room fades away seeming like the locker room is now miles away. I squint and close my eyes opening them giving me a head rush.

I grip onto someone's locker breath heavily. Stiles breath thoughts of Void struck me the fake realities. Alone in the basement. My heart races breath Stiles your okay now I start to gasp for breath. Calm Stiles. I feel a punch to the face I scream twisting into another locker hitting my face against it. I turn no ones around.

I grab the wall again and slowly make my way across. A hit to the back of my head follows I jerk falling forwards another hit follows. I collapse to the ground falling flat. I twist my body laying on my back. Gasping for breath. My body shakes.

"Stiles what happened! I've called an ambulance" Scott drops besides me lifting me up. Still shaking for breath. "I.. I don't know" I shake my head. I hold the back of my head and pull away my fingers bloody. "What's happening" I look down at my hands. "Stiles.. Look at me you.. you need to stay awake. You need to hold you wound" I hadn't noticed but my head was rested on the lockers slowly dropping, my eyes slipping back. "I'm.. I'm fine" Scott leans forwards and places his hand on my stomach I wince.

I feel my eyes slowly closing. My head falling and jolting back up. Making me jump every time. "Stiles look at me" I open my eyes and turn my head resting half of my face on the lockers "I..I am" too tired to speak I close my eyes. The pain blocking my thoughts I stay quite. "Stiles" Scotts voice sounds like it's in a tunnel, echoing. "I can't.. I can't go back" my voice slurred "Back where Stiles" I try to speak but my heart starts to race, panting ""

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