Everyone has it but no one can lose it

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We reach the School carpark, Void stands with his hands behind his back with 10 figures behind him, the figures the people from the storage unit. The Oni follow Kira we stand opposite Void meters apart he smirks and steps back behind the figures. I form into a werewolf, Derek follows and Kira pulls out her sword the Oni stand tall behind us. The figures start to run for us.

The Oni pull out there swords thrusting them at the figures. Some get through the Oni and head for us. I take one and Derek gets one we try to keep Kira out of the way so she can help the Oni. A figure grabs my arms and swings me to the ground winded I gasp for air and jump up. I land on the figure but it turns to dust "What the hell" I whisper to the ground.
I jump up and sprint for another figure before I can attack he turns throws me to the ground punching me in the face I try to fight it off its grip tight around my wrist. suddenly it's being dragged off I sit up to see Malia pulling a figure and fighting it off.

All the figures disappear I turn in confusion to spot void holding his arm around Stiles's neck tightly, Lydia lays beside not moving how did we not notice.
"Get off him Void!" I walk towards him
"Back away Scott or I'll kill him" Void shakes his head smiling tightening his grip on Stiles neck, Stiles holds Voids arm tightly his knuckles turning white his face pale gasping for air he wheezes.
"Sc..ott" thats all Stiles manages to get out before Void frowns and tights his grip
"I told you to shut up"
Stiles gasp for air but gets cut off.
"I will tighten my grip further and further until I feel his last breath" Void looks at Stiles
"Oh come on then shall we play one last game" Void smirks.


"Where oh where is figure 1" Void smirks his hand still wrapped around my neck I feel my self slip in and out of conciseness, unable to speak I kick trying to get away jerking my body "Do you ever listen" His tone deep he lifts his arm lifting me off the ground.
"Stiles" Scott shouts stepping forward. I gasp I feel my lungs shutting off the burning of taking one last breath
"Ohhh Scott I warned you. Don't take another step forward or I'll kill him" he pouts "And you did" Void laughs his nails dig into the side of my neck my eyes falling back white spots flashing from the lack of oxygen I lift my hand into my pocket as Void whispers in my ear
"Everyone has it but know one can lose it...see you on the other side Stile"
And that's when I feel it.

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