For Lydia

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I pull up in the school car park "Come on Stiles you can do this" I whisper to myself as I get out the car grabbing my bat.
I sprint off towards the school.
I was chosen for the distraction... Again.
I don't know who or what I'm distracting but being in the state I'm in, this is really all I can do.

I reach the bridge and spot two Oni standing underneath their weapons stretched out, I curse under my breath and tighten my grip on my bat this wasn't the plan the Oni were meant to be with Void.
They begin to walk closer and closer, I turn around to see another Oni standing behind me "For Lydia" I swing out my bat.


I stand with Derek in the school searching for Stiles we were meeting him in the locker room 10 minutes ago. There's no sign of the Oni or Void which can never be good. Malia is out looking for them. Kira is in her place..ready.

I'm then pulled from my thoughts when I hear a laugh coming from the school entrance the door swings open
"Honey, I'm home" I hear his voice echo down the hallway. I jerk my head at Derek who frowns, we head down the hallway.
Void stands alone in the darkness of the entrance a faint moonlight shines down on the side of his face
"Nice place to choose to die You could of chosen anywhere... And you chose the school?" He smirks concealing a laugh. My hands tighten into fists.
Void walks closer "Where are they?" He opens up classroom doors frowning looking down corridors.
"Didn't think they would take so long" he huffs leaning up against a locker and starts to taps his hand on the lockers sending echoes towards us.
I stand tall glaring at him, Derek doing the same.
"I sent them to do one thing and they couldn't even complete one simple task" Void rubs his head.
"What task" Derek speaks sharp.
Void twists his head, lowering his hands from his face and continues to tap Ignoring Derek's last question.

The hallway suddenly becomes freezing cold my body begins to shiver. Void stops taping.
"Finally" he jumps up and stands facing the entrance we stand meters apart.
3 black figures appear from the darkness, the Oni. I look to Derek signalling him an expression to stick to the plan. The Oni step forwards protecting Void.
I form into an full wolf and howl a bellowing sound, Derek follows his bright blue eyes lighting his face.
Plan lead Oni down to Kira.
We fights the Oni off leading them down the hallway Void walks behind smiling at every defeat. Their swords sharp to my skin, blood starts to fall from my wounds. As we reach Kira she stands strait her hands griped tightly to the last tail.
"Now" I scream the words.

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