Did you miss me?

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"Did you miss me" Void leans on the door smirking
Scott runs over throwing a punch to Void, failing Void catches his wrist throwing him back into the wall
"Well that was easy" Void laughs walking over to me Melissa and Lydia.
"What do you want!" I scream out
He just smirks
"Just collecting what's mine" and he throws his fist towards Melissa but before he even comes close, Scott grabs his hand and spins Void into head lock
Void continues to laugh "It's funny how pathetic you lot are" Void throws his body forward causing Scott to flip onto his back Void kicks Scott in the stomach I scream his name the sound fills the room
Scott attempts to get up in the corner

Void turns to face us he strides forward grabbing hold of Lydia's neck and pins her to the wall I scream leaping up in pain trying to attack Void I grab something to hit him in the head with I grab a metal tray and swinging it towards his face but Void turns half his body leaving one hand on Lydia's neck one hand reaching for the tray he takes hold of it hitting me in the head I collapse the room spinning rapidly I attempt to get up as I hear void speaking to Lydia
"What shall we say Lydia, up for a game?" He winks
"Enough with your stupid games" Lydia shouts back
"That really hurt Lyds, I thought you wanted to try my games" He frowns
I stand and as I go to attack Void
Melissa grabs a needle suddenly injecting his neck Void turns to Melissa
"Seriously" he grabs her head slamming it into the wall she collapse unconscious to the floor 
Scott screams for his mum and runs past me and attacks void after a few punches connecting with Void faces
Scotts eyes start to glow an illuminating red as he's breathing thickens
Scott throws up his hand but before he can make a move Void already grips it tightly as he smiles Scotts eyes widen as Void snaps Scotts wrists back while twisting it causing the bone to snap and poke out Scott lets out an ear piercing scream
"No" I scream turning as Scotts body slams against the wall and lands limp onto the hard floor.
I sprint towards Void but as I do his arm wraps around Lydia's neck
"Leave her alone" I freeze
"Oh Stiles, is she that important to you" he grins "Well silly question really I've been inside your head" he looks down at Lydia as she struggles for breath
"Let her go...take me" I step closer
"Don't" he places a hand up
"Don't move Stiles"
Suddenly Scott jerks up and turns to all of us his face beaten he stands running beside me
"Don't come any closer or I'll kill her" Void spits out
"Void please" I look to Lydia who's face shows complete fear
"What do you want" Scotts tone is flat
"Chaos" Void smiles
"I want fear. I want pain. And your all giving me that right now" he smirks

I can hear Scotts breathing speed and I know exactly what he's going to do
"Scott don't" my voice shakes
Scott sprints towards Void and leaps onto him as he does Lydia falls free
"Lydia!" I sprint towards her "Are you okay" I lift her up
"Yes" Her voice quite I turn to Scott as I do his body is thrown through the air towards Lydia the world moves slowly
I throw Lydia out the way as she slams to the floor
I feel Scotts body smash into mine, I'm thrown through the air until I hit against a wall sending a pain of agony through me and a second pain as Scotts body bounces off of mine I collapse to the ground passing out.

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