I'm Stiles Stilinski when am I not doing something stupid

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"So Scotts not doing well" I huff dropping my body onto my bed
"Nope" Lydia flops down beside me
"He's scared its his pack and Voids trying to break him" I turn my head to Lydia
"Scotts strong okay" Lydia smiles
"I'm coming in tomorrow" I sit up
"Stiles you can't your still wounded" Lydia sits up holding my shoulder
"I have stitches I'll be fine" I look down
"I need to be with you guys I can't not know what's going on, I need to be there for Scott and you. And I can't do that sitting in my house waiting to get better thing" I huff
  "I'm not going to stop you Stiles but please don't do anything stupid" Lydia smiles
I wink at her and stand up
"I'm Stiles Stilinski when am I not doing something stupid" 


I slowly jump out the jeep with Lydia as we head into the school
"Did you tell your dad about coming in" Lydia frowns
"Nope" I shake my head "and I'm not planning to"
I reach my locker and grab my books when I turn I see Scott heading up the hallway his expression widens in shock as he runs over "Stiles your back" he smiles
"Sure am" I smirk as Kira walks over and hugs me
"Welcome back Stiles" she leans out smiling "Thanks" I nod smiling as the bell screeches along the corridor.

I sit in science getting bored out of my mind I turn around to Scott
"You okay" I raise my eyebrows
"Stiles it's still the same answer from 5 minutes ago"  he lifts his head from his book
"I can't stand Mr.weller arghh its the voice" I shake my head as Scott laughs
"It's not funny" I smile trying to keep a serious face
"It is" Scott whispers his grin becoming wider  "Something funny McCall" I hear Mr.Wellers husky shaky voice as Scotts expressions falls
I knew he was scared of him
"No sir" Scott shakes his head
"Get back to work then" Mr Weller looks back down to his papers.
I wink at Scott as he frowns "Not funny"
I raise my eyebrows "It is" I smile and turn around to my desk
  "Pay backs a bitch remember that Stiles" Scott leans into my ear as he speaks in his deep werewolf voice
I roll my eyes
"What ever teen wolf"

Next lesson P.E which means long distance running
"I'm going to pull out of this one" I turn to Scott
"How" he speaks as he pulls off his tshirt
"I have gun shot wound I couldn't possibly run" I speak sarcastically
"Well your dad called up saying you were perfectly fit for school including P.E so coach will treat you as normal" Scott smirks
"My dad didn't... You Scott!" I hit him on the arm
"That's it. It's on McCall" I shake my head trying to hide my laugh.

We walk out onto the field
"Right you know the rules meet me back at the field in under and hour" Coach shouts "And if you don't make it back by the time my clock clicks 1:15. Your'll be doing the hole course again" he blows his whistle
"Oh and last one back does the hole route again too and yes Greenberg I'm expecting that to be you" he shakes his head
"Now go" he shouts as everyone sprints off

Oh crap I sprint trying to keep up with Scott. "You know Scotty..walking would be..a lot easier" I try to speak while running but gasping for breath and speaking isn't the easiest
"I'm not up for doing the route again" Scott smiles and runs a little faster
"Cheater!" I shout trying to pick up my pace.
As were about half way around a plan hits me revenge McCall
I sprint a little faster over taking Scott and then I trip over and I'm sent rolling along the floor when I finally stop rolling I see Scott standing there in shock I shut my eyes as Scott runs over

"Stiles are you okay" I try to lay still my eyes closed
"Stiles" he leans closer NOW I ping my eyes open and grab Scotts arms and flip him over as he hits the ground and he's sent rolling down a hill
Parrish's training does pay off.
"Paybacks a bitch Scott" I laugh and sprint off as fast as I can now having a very angry werewolf on my case.

When I'm about 5 minutes away from the field I hear Scotts voice
"Stiles" I jerk my head and stop running to see Scott sitting by a tree bent over
"Scott" I frown
"I'm not falling for your tricks" I shake my head
"Stiles please" he coughs weakly, starting to get a little worried I step closer
"What's wrong" I take another step
"When I rolled down the hill I must of landed on something.. Ahh it's my stomach" he grips  it tightly I run over leaning beside him
"Okay urr show me quick maybe I can help" Scott lifts his head up smiling and shoves my shoulder back and I hit the floor, Scott quickly jumps up and starts to run but as he does I grab his ankle pulling him back
"I will not be the last one back" I leap up laughing and start sprinting back I can see Coach at the end of the field
"Come on" I hear coach shouting just when I'm seconds away I feel a large weight on my shoulders and I collapse rolling across the field with Scott gripping on, when we finally stop rolling I look up dizzily to see Coach standing above us
"You idiots what the hell was that" He shakes his arms in anger
I burst out laughing my chest squashed by Scotts back I hear him laughing aswell as he rolls off
Still laughing I slowly get up aching everywhere and hold onto Scotts arm trying to take in a breath from laughing
"Well as both you to profoundly idiotic kids were last...Greenberg beat you for godsake your'll both be doing the course again" Coach shakes his head
"Well played Mr McCall" I shake Scotts hand "You to Mr Stilinski" he smirks
"You finished" Coach frowns
"Now go run" I look at Scott and raise my eyebrows then wink and I sprint off.

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