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Scotts POV

Stiles heart races. Until. He suffocates oh his last breaths. "Stiles no, Stiles the ambulance they're on there way Stiles!" He shakes jolting on barely any breath "'s okay" tears falling from his eyes. I shake my head "No no Stiles, you can't. You can't Stiles were brothers you've always been there for me since before I can remember, you've always been besides me what ever choices I make. I'm so sorry I got you into this." Tears streaming down my face I take Stiles limp body in my grasp. "It's...okay... Scott" he grips my hand and I grip back tightly "Brothers" he smiles as more tears dampen his face. I hear his heart barely beating in his chest. "Brothers" I whisper

He lets out one last breath.
His heart stops beating.
His expression falls.
His eyes fall back.
One last tear rolls down his face.

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