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He was bluffing. Wasn't he?
I sprint over to Stiles and Lydia who lays perfectly still, Deaton comes running out from behind the jeep.
I drop down beside Lydia taking her arm as I shake it.
After I repeatedly say her name
Her eyes flicker open her pale skin is lightened by her bright green eyes
"What happened!" She looks over to Stiles and I watch the panic wash over her face as her eyes widen In fear
"It's okay Lydia" I hold her shoulder looking to her softly
"He's okay" I lean in and hug her tightly to reassure her and to reassure me.
I hear her heart pounding in her chest as her hands slightly tremble around mine.
Lydia and I turn to Stiles's lifeless body and I take in a deep breath,
Stiles's eyes have a purplish coloured circles around them, bruises forming on his face, his skin like a white sheet of gloss and his bullet wound has blood seeping through, his white tshirt shows a long slice alone his chest; blood sticks to the material from his wound and it's deep...too deep.
Deaton kneels beside Stiles and takes out a needle which holds a clear substance in and lifts Stiles's head to the side pricking his neck with the needle the liquid enters his body
"Stiles did well" Deaton picks up another needle, the same one he gave Stiles, it lays beside Stiles's hand
"Will he be okay" Lydia leans forward and softly takes Stiles's limp hand in her shaky grip
"Yes. Using this type of drug only slows your heart beat so anyone with non supernatural hearing would think that your dead, it's a state of limbo" Deaton looks down at Stiles
His scent mixed with fear

"We'll have to take him to the hospital after this, his wounds need to be stitched back up again and he should be awake by now " Deaton shakes his head and checks Stiles's pulse then suddenly
Stiles's eyes flick open and he sits up taking in a gasp of air, his eyes wide like golf balls he looks at me and Lydia
"I've always hated plan B" his voice shaky he smiles weakly. I listen to his heart beat racing in his chest
I watch as Lydia takes his face in both her hands
"God you scared me" she whispers
"Sorry" he leans forward looking at Lydia as she looks into his soft brown eyes his dark red lips become a smile as he lifts his hands-which are stained with his blood
and takes her hands softly in his grasp
"Promise you won't ever do that again" she whispers as she shakes her head looking down at Stiles's stomach
"I've got to be the hero sometimes" he looks away from his stomach then back to Lydia
and kisses her as she wraps her arms around his blooded shirt
My cue to leave, I stand up turning around to see Derek as he comes out with Malia and Kira
Derek walks over with a smirk
"Nice acting there Scott" Derek then smiles
Derek smiling? Never thought that would happen.
"You to" I wink and look back at the Nogistunes lifeless body on the floor
"What the hell do we do with him" Derek points at Void we all frown in sync
"I know a guy" Malia suggests seriously
"What " Lydia laughs as she walks over and they all continue with the conversation about Malia who knows a guy?
I turn back to Stiles who's unusually quite and see he's staring deeply at the Nogistune whispering
"Hey Stiles" I grab his shoulder his head spins around to me
"Oh hey" he smiles and slowly stands up using my arm for support he holds his blooded stomach
"Thanks bro" he smiles and slowly limps towards Lydia griping his wound tightly.
I look at the ground.
Back to the nogistune.
I must of heard it wrong.
I shake my head
He wouldn't say that?
Why would he?
I picture Stiles facing the Nogistune the words falling from his mouth on repeat

"Chaos has come again. Chaos has come again. Chaos has come again."

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