Mind games

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I awake. My eyes slowly open, my body numb, the pain in my stomach sharp stabbing into me. I close my eyes hoping this is all a dream. I open them to see void in front of me "Oh good your awake, I did think you might be dead but thank the Lord he's alive." He taps my cheek, "Soooooo I've been kind of bored and your no fun so I thought maybe.. Now your awake we could play some.. Mind games what do you think? I've been getting stronger thought you could be my Guinea pig? "
He steps away smirking

"But" he shakes his head "Getting you from the hospital to here did use up most of the power" he huffs "This is a big ask okay.. Actually I'm not asking I'm just gonna take... But hummmm" he looks around the room "I'm not seeing much pain going on here Stiles? Bit disappointed really." He bends down in front of my chair "Shall I help out" he drops his head to one side. "Now you see I don't want to kill you. Well I do, but not yet and your pretty weak already so, I could easily kill you and your human. Arghhh okay wait..wait I've got an idea. Here me out on this one buddy" he holds my leg

" I cause you pain. Excoriating pain, to help me and then I'll heal you back so we can play a game!" He smiles patting my leg "I'm excited for this Stiles oooooh okay let's start off easy make are way up" I can't speak I have nothing to say;I look down, I'm to weak to fight back and my bullet wound is getting worse, the pain blocking my thoughts to my head.

"Your quite I don't like it" void punches me in the face making contact with my lower jaw. I scream, void laughs. He throw his fist back and throws it down on my cheek. I jerk my head, sending a new pain up my body. I scream "STOP!" Void smiles "Stiles we agreed on this, I'll heal you. Hang on I'm not done" He steps back looking at me up and down "Your bullet wound I'm awfully sorry about that, my men you see get carried away" he lifts up my top looking at the bandage "Oh stiles it's bleeding, have your split your stitches" he shakes his head tutting.

He pulls his fist back and throws it into my stomach. I fall forward shaking. My hands strapped to the chair unable to grab my stomach. I scream again my eyes falling back "Okay okay. I'm done" he grabs my face a rush of cold liquid leaves my body, screaming a ringing sound begins in my ears. Voids eyes start to fall back but he continues to laugh.

The darkness sweeps in please pass out. Please pass out. I continue to stay awake, void falls back "Woah, now Stiles that was amazing thank you" my breathing speeds, I try to grasp my breath "Oh god... your not dying are you" Void frowns he looks down at my wound; blood covers my top. I gasp for air the feeling is like drowning. My worst fear.

The darkness falls in and out my heart beating so fast in my chest "V..Void do.. S" I'm unable to finish my sentence off a sharp pain comes from my heart. I feel it slow down to slow. I can barley lift my chest. Void steps in for the first time looking worried. My sight blurs. My heart be rises and drops I pant. Until I gasp for one last breath and my heart stops.

I awake. "Now that was fun" the nogistune laughs. "First one.. What do you think? Thought I would start off with your death just so you could see how real that fake reality is" he smirks "What..what did you do to me" Void frowns "It was a trick Stiles none of that was real. Well it was until I held your leg making contact with you creates the trick in your mind. Clever isn't it" he leans in. My breath is still shaky, I look down at my wound it's fine the pain is unbearable but it's not bleeding. I look towards Void he's walking closer to me. I close my eyes.

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