Where's my son

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I fall in and out of an abyss I wake just after the gun shot. I'm spread out across the floor, a bullet wound marked in my stomach the pain spreads through me I scream Scotts name, my throat stings. This is it I'm going to die. The thoughts bang around in my mind. The darkness takes me.

I awake again. Scotts in front of me "Stiles please, Stiles it's going to be okay, please" tears fall from his eye's I can see he's badly injured as well. I hear him scream for everyone "DEREK, KIRA, MALIA"the sound rings in my ear.I fall into a deep abyss.

Scotts point of view
Stiles lays on the floor his head dropped to the side covered in bruises and cuts. His white top covered in blood that sticks to the wound. A pool of blood starts to form under him. I scream not knowing what to do. I hear the ambulance pull up. My eyes widen and I scream for it.

Two men come rushing in Stiles lays still on the floor I can't tell if he's breathing my eyes fill with water "He.. He was shot" I try to tell the men but only a whisper comes out. Derek, Malia and Kira come running they all stop the mouths wide open and they sprint over. "W..what happened" Derek's voice shakes. "Get in the jeep I'll explain then we need to meet Stiles at the Hospital I'll call his dad when we get there" Stiles had already been taken. All that was left was a pool of blood. My stomach turned in fear.

We all sprint over to the jeep the doors wide open. "Lydia where is she" I turn around confused "I'll stay and look for her you guys go" Kira explains and runs back into the building.

We pull up at the hospital. I sprint inside my mums at the desk "Stiles! Where is he mum!" I shout not caring how loud I am. "He's in emergency surgery I wont know what's happened until he's out" my mum holds my arm "have you.. have you called Stilinski?" She leans in and hugs me "Yes, he's on his way"

We all sit in silence, waiting. I bounce my leg, unable to stop. What if he doesn't make it. This is all my fault. An image of Stiles pops in my head his stomach. The blood. My thoughts are cut off by Stilinski running in "Where's my son!"

Melissa my mum runs over to him I can't hear what she says but she's able to calm him down. He has tears in his eyes and he looks down at the ground. I look at my phone it's 3am.

Malia's nearly fallen asleep and Derek stays looking at the ground "The bite he needs it he'll never make it through" Derek continues to looks at the ground. The thought hits me "No!Stiles wouldn't want this" "what so he would want to die instead!" Derek gets up "He'd be to weak!" I stand up with Derek but he's already half way down the corridor.

I head over to my mum. "Have you heard anything yet" I lean on the desk, she shakes her head " Operations like this could take hours" she holds my hand "He'll make it, it's Stiles" I nod my head and walk back to my seats. Malia's head hangs of the seat. I go and sit next to her. My eyes start to feel heavy. I try to keep them open. I look down at my coat and unzip it my shirt is covered in blood, Stiles's and mine. I breath in. My head slowly falls back and my eyes fall shut.

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