Change the host

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I walk through the school doors. Beside me is Alison and Scott and Lydia leads " Well well look who's no longer the crazy one" Lydia turns and smiles "We're not crazy" Alison's says looking at Scott. I turn my head as I see something at the end of the corridor. "Scott.. Scott" I grab his arm but he's not there?

I turn around the haul way empty I walk along to the figures at the end of the corridor. It's me and Lydia? I look at us, our  faces their covered in fear were moving backwards gripped onto each other. I turn around no ones behind me. "But we can change you" Lydia says gripping onto my arm.

I look at myself. "What" I look towards past me and Lydia. " The jugenda scroll" I whisper pulling Lydia back "Change the host" I look at me then Lydia. I know what's coming next "Stiles please I'm not who you think I am it's..." I'm cut off my Scott lifting my arm up he's face a werewolf his eyes glowing red, he bites down hard on my arm. I scream in pain. "ahhhhhh!" The sound echoes the haul way.

He lets go someone comes up behind before I can move a sword stabs me in the back going all the way through to my stomach. I scream again looking down at the sword, the echo from the scream is louder this time filling my ears. The sword leaves my back the blood already rushing from the wound pouring out . I fall to the ground.

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