That's what made it real

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I awake Screaming as a fall werewolf my nails dig into the chair arms. I look up  "Now that. Wow, I took that to the next level"
Void stands in front of me bent over laughing.
"That felt real didn't it. Even I got a little emotional near the end." Void laughs
"I thought I really captured the essence of everything, all the little details. You could feel the pain couldn't you that's what made it real." He walks towards me smirking
  "You really brought tears to my eyes in that speech Scott" Void speaks in a sarcastic tone.

Stiles lays beside me tears rolling down his face. "What the hell did you do to him" I shout the words in Voids face. "Scott calm down, he's fine, well I think he is; he hasn't woken up yet but I'm sure dying in a fake reality can't be that good." He laughs to himself "So to answer you questions" but before Void can say any more. An ear piercing scream coming from Stiles fills the room. Echoing.


I jerk forward the scream burning my throat. I gasp for breath like I was drowning. I spot Void his face shocked,  I look to Scott who's pulling the same expression. I lean back on my chair catching my breath. All the memories came flooding back to me with Scott which happened only seconds ago.

"What happened" my voice a whisper I look at the ground unable to look at Scott.
"Well before you interrupted I was saying " the Nogistune sits on the floor.
"So" he huffs.
"That was all fake. No stiles you didn't die." Scott cuts in "What is real and what isn't. How did we get here" Scotts tone sharp.
Void laughs " That's for you to decide"
I look down at my top my bullet wounds there but its bled through.
"The problem is" Void stands
"How do you know what's real or what's not. How do you know this is real? What if this is fake to"

"Stop it" My voice growing "Just stop" I shout shaking the restrains on my wrists the nogistune walks closer "Stop what Stiles, what if this is fake I might not be here" I look down speechless "We know this is real" Scott shakes his head
"Do you Scott? But didn't you think Stiles dying was real. It looked to me like you did" Void smirks.

"Will we ever know?" Void stands in front of my chair. "What do you think Stiles, shall we play a game?" I continue to look at the ground anger filling inside me. "I said" Void grabs my face pulling it up "Shall we play a game Stiles" His words spitting, I glare at him and nod "Good" he drops my head.

"So Scott chose if this is real or not I'll give you a minutes to decide" he smirks and pulls out an Oni sword and presses it against my chest. "So Scott your time starts now"

" Void please. I don't..I don't know" Scott shakes his head "Come on Scott time is ticking" I look down at the sword piercing my top. "I can't, I don't know" he shakes the restrains on his hands.
"20 seconds Scott, Tick Tock Tick Tock" Void shakes his head.

"Scott please you can do this" I lift my head and look at Scott.
"10 seconds Scott" "9...8....7....6...5..4..3"
"Scott please" my voice shaking
"2..1" "OKAY!" Scott screams.
"To late" Void pushes the sword into my chest I scream in agonising pain. As the sword stabs through my chest, an explosion of dynamite bursts along my chest blood seeping out,  blood falls from my mouth.
Coughing I start to choke my lungs shrinking. My breath cutting short, I can hear Scott screaming. I let out one last breath.

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