A little tight

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Scotts POV

"Your not leaving" I continue to grab Voids arms. Void just looks down at his bleeding wrists and smirks. "And how do you expect to keep me here" he laughs. " I have a chair and I have chains" I look towards my wardrobe. Voids expressions flattens. I pull him to my wardrobe picking up the chains and carrying him. I throw Void onto the chair and pick up the chains, knotting them around him. He stares down at them amused.

I pick up the phone and call Derek.

He's on his way he's going to take Void and him and Peter are going to talk to him. "These chains. There a little tight" Void smirks "Shut up" I glare at him "Just saying for other people's sake" he shakes his head tutting. I turn to him "Who's?" Void looks at the ground laughing his body shaking.

After sitting on my bed ignoring Voids many questions I hear the door bell ring. I jump at the sound. Void laughs "A true alpha scared of a door bell, haven't seen that before" I leave the room slamming the door behind me.
I open the front door;Derek storms through "Where is he, have you got anything out of him yet" Derek walks up the stairs. I follow behind. Peter slams the door shut and follows.

We enter the room Void sits there. The cuts on his wrists from my nails have pretty much healed dry blood still marks them, bruises forming around his neck, his nose bruised as well, blood drips from his nose soaking his lip.

"I can see you tried the other option" Derek looks at Void then to me. Peter laughs "He needs more than a kick to the face" I jerk my head at Peter frowning. "Derek and I will take him, see what we can get out of him" lost for words I nod my head. I un tie the chains Peter grabs Voids hands pinning them behind his back, I watch Peter dig his nails into Voids wrists, Void slightly flinches and they leave. Derek is about to follow until I grab his arm "Why isn't he fighting back" I shake my head "I.. I don't know, he could be a step ahead but what else can we try" Derek leaves.

I'm left standing in my bedroom. I look down at the time 3am. I have school tomorrow how I'm I meant to carry on with normal life when my best friends missing. A Japanese demon has taken form of my best friend and the demon can easily manipulate me by using my dead ex girlfriend. I fall into my bed my head pounding. I lay still starring at the celling. I didn't realise how tired I was until my eyes slowly fall back and sleep takes me.

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