In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin Bieber - Chapter 1- The Begining

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PS: I had this book published back in 2013 when I was 13 years old and had no idea what I was doing. So looking back on this book I cringed on how it made no sense, literally just so terrible. So I rewrote it. :)

I hope you enjoy!


Another day in this hell hole. But at least it's Friday. This school isn't terrible, but never mind who am I kidding, this school sucks. The only good thing about it is my friends.

I put my locker code in and opened it up to switch my text books. All the sudden someone put their hands over my eyes scaring me.

"Guess who" I heard them say, which I knew is Justin. Justin and I have been best friends since we were 5. We've been through everything together. He's really the best person in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend.

"Hopefully Justin" I joked and giggled. He removed his hands from my eyes and I turned around to face him. I saw his bright smile. "Someone is very happy today" I pointed out then faced my locker again. I put my textbook in then grabbed a different one.

"I just feel good today. I don't know" I heard him say. I shut my locker and faced him.

"That's good J" I told him and smiled. "Walk me to class?" I asked. He nodded and we started to walk towards the direction of my class. I know his class is this way too, that's why I asked. "So I'm thinking of having the group over tonight to watch movies or something" I told him.

In our group it's me, Justin, Ally, Sarah, Ryan, and Chaz. We are all basically like family. We've been close for so long.

"Yeah I'm down. Just let me know" he said back to me. "I'll see you at lunch" Justin said to me as we got to my class. He gave me a smile that everyone falls for then kept walking. I walked into my class and sat down in my seat.

When I tell you half the girls in this school have a crush on Justin. There are girls that hate me because they are jealous how close me and Justin are. He's oblivious to it though. He thinks we are being dramatic when we tell him. But he lowkey knows it's true. He's just so humble and sweet. He's not cocky at all.

There have been so many rumors saying me and Justin are dating. I just laugh and shake it off. I don't think me and him will ever date. I used to have a crush on him when we were younger. And I don't think he ever liked me. And I don't think he ever will.

"Jamie?" I heard making me snap out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Ally sitting down next to me laughing. "Deep in thought huh?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"Hey" I said to her then opening my notebook. We're in history and we take notes every single class.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked me.

"All the times girls have hated on me for being close with Justin" I told her with a laugh. She nodded.

"Lots of time" she said shaking her head. "I thought you were going to say you were thinking about Austin. You had a look on your face. I don't know how to explain it" she said with a slight smirk. "Unless you were thinking about different thinks with Justin" she said quietly then started to laugh. My eyes widened.

"Nooooo. Oh my god relax" I said with a laugh too. "Not with Justin. No"

"So Austin then?" She teased and I rolled my eyes jokingly. And as if on queue, Austin walked into the class. He's another one a lot of girls are obsessed with. But he's had so many girlfriends he has kind a reputation. But he's sweet so I don't get why some people talk badly about him.

Me and Austin have been talking a lot recently. Only Ally and Sarah knows. I don't want to tell the boys yet unless I know there's someone really between me and Austin because they don't really like him. Which again, I don't understand. Austin's been saying he's into me, but we've hung out a few times. And once with his friends. I don't know, I like his vibe, but we will see.

As he walked to his seat, he glanced over at me and winked then looked away sitting into his seat. My face felt like it was getting a little red.

"Saw that" Ally leaned over to me and whispered. I quietly giggled and looked down at my desk. The teacher walked in and started to class. My least favorite class.


I walked through the lunch room to the table my group sits at every day.

"Hello boys" I said as I sat with Justin, Ryan, and Chaz. The girls aren't here yet. 

"Wassup" Chaz said with food in his mouth.

"Gross" I jokingly said and pushed his arm a little. I saw Justin went to talk then was interrupted by Ally and Sarah coming up to the table quickly.

"Jamie!" They said at the same time. The guys looked at the two girls like they were crazy.

"What's going on?" I asked them with a laugh.

"Come here for a second" Sarah told me then walked away from the time.

"Oh god" I mumbled under my breath as I got up and followed them. "What is it?" I asked them.

"So when we were walking here, Austin stopped it and started to talk about you" Sarah told me. I looked at her confused.

"He did?" I asked.

"Yeah. Then he asked us if you were really interested in him-" I cut Ally off.

"He asked you guys that? Why doesn't he just ask me?" I asked. They both shrugged. Is he too shy to ask me?

"All we said was for him to ask you" Ally told me. I nodded. Good he should ask me. Not go through my friends. But it's all good.

"Come on. Let's go back. I'm hungry" Sarah said so we agreed and walked back to the table.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Ryan asked us.

"Nothing" I said quickly then looked at the girls then back at Ryan.

"Damn so secretive" Justin said and continued to eat. I laughed and started to eat too.

"So your house after school?" Chaz asked me. I nodded.

Rewritten : Nov 15, 2020
Enjoy the rewrite ;)

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