Chapter 56 - Homesick

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I'm not going to lie. I'm just a little homesick. I miss my mom and Jeff and my friends. I kinda miss my room. Being with Justin and Pattie make things better. Growing up with them in my life and being so used to their presence it makes things feel like home when on the road.

We are two days into September which means I have been away from home for two and a half months. In two weeks is when I get to see my friends again. Plus Justin's family. That day is when Justin will be performing at Madison Square Garden in New York City. It's a really big deal.

He sold out the whole show. So he is flying everyone out to come watch. I was also told that he is going to have a lot of celebrities here which is cool. My mom and Jeff can't come which is also fine. I won't be home till two weeks after that show. But only for a few days then Justin and I are back on the road.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Justin asked me pulling me from my thoughts. He asked me that for the fifth time this hour.

"Justin leave her alone" I heard Allison say jokingly. I looked over at Justin and nodded.

"I'm fine" I answered him. I gave him a smile. He crossed his arms and looked at me like he doesn't believe me. "Babe, I'm okay. I'm just on my period and my emotions are all over the place. Everything is fine" I told him.

"See" Allison mumbled and I laughed a little.

"Fine" Justin said then walked over to me. He kissed me softly. "I have to go on stage, but I love you, okay? When we get onto the tour bus, we'll just watch a movie and sleep" he told me making me smile.

"That sounds good. I love you too. Good luck out there" I said back. We kissed once more then he ran out of the room.

"Is it just your period bothering you?" Allison asked me as she sat down across from me. I sighed and shook my head. "What's wrong? I won't tell him" She asked me.

"I'm a little homesick" I admitted. She nodded I guess understanding.

"There are plenty of moments where I felt that way. It can really bring you down, but I start to do my job and my mind is off of it. I mean, I have been away from home for five months now. You just have to take your mind off of it somehow" she said to me.

"It's just annoying because I wanted this so bad. I wanted to be with him and support him from right next to him and be away from my hometown, but now being away for almost three months, I miss home a lot" I explained.

"Hey, it happens, you can't help how you feel. Three months can be a long time." I just nodded and sighed again.

"It's just making me sad. I hate it" I mumbled and played with the ring on my finger.

"If you feel like you need to go home for a few days, do it. If it will help you and your mental health, do it. You've told me about your relationship with your mom, I can't imagine how badly you must miss her." I looked up at her and nodded. "Justin would understand"

"I know" I said back quietly. "Maybe it's just because of my period. It makes me over emotional and my thoughts are always all over the place" I added with a little laugh. She smiled and nodded.

"Periods suck" she said back. "Do you want to go watch your boyfriend or are you going to just hang out in here?" She asked me as she stood up.

"Are you going out there to watch?" I asked her and she nodded. "I'll come with you" I told her as I stood up. Maybe I'll talk to Justin later about how I'm feeling. But I don't want to leave, but I do miss home.


"So I wasn't being completely honest earlier" I started to tell Justin. I'm just going to tell him how I feel. There's no point in hiding it. Maybe talking to him will help me.

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