Chapter 20 - Atlanta

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"Wow" I said out loud as I stood at the window in me and Ally's hotel room in Atlanta. We just got here and have to start getting ready as soon as we can. I just needed to look at the view. We are on the 7th floor and so is everyone else. The party is in the hotel so it helps on time to get ready. Also, I haven't seen Justin yet today. They decided they wanted him here earlier so he flew out early this morning. I took the flight with Ally, Ryan, and Chaz.

"Come on. We have to get ready fast" I heard Ally's voice. I turned around and nodded.

"I know" I groaned. I started to get my makeup together to go to the mirror then my phone started to ring. I grabbed it to see Justin is calling me. "Hi babe" I answered.

"Hi my love. Are you getting ready?" He asked me.

"I was just about to start. We actually just got into the room a few minutes ago" I told him.

"Ohh okay. You guys are going to meet us down here, right? Or do you want me to come get you-" I cut him off.

"No it's okay don't worry. We will meet you down there. You're the guest of honor, you have to stay there" I said with a giggle. I heard him chuckle.

"I know. I just can't wait to see you" He said back.

"Justin! There's someone here you should meet" I heard Scooters voice in the background.

"Okay man. One second" he said to Scooter. "I'm sorry I have to go, but I'll see you soon okay? I actually need to talk to you when you get here"

"Okay baby" I said then hung up. I have to get ready anyway. But I wish I knew what he has to talk to me about. I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked over to the mirror. "I'm nervous" I told Ally as I saw her doing her makeup in the bathroom.

"Why? It's a party, Jamie. Well, a party full of high end people and shit" she joked laughing. I let out a little laugh.

"You're right" I said back and started to do my makeup.

"You weren't talking about the party were you?" I heard her ask me. I sighed and looked over at her. She was already looking at me through the mirror so I shook my head. "Then what?" She asked.

"Justin said he has to talk to me when he sees me. But the tone of his voice changed when he said that. I don't know. It was the slightest bit change, but I just-" I stopped and sighed. "I don't know. I just know him so" I said and shrugged.

"It's probably nothing bad or else he could come up here to talk to you" she suggested.

"That's true. Yeah, you're right" I agreed and continued to do my makeup. I hope she's right.


"Oh my god that's Usher" Ryan said quietly as we all stopped walking. We watched as Usher walked into the room where the party is.

"And wow he'a hotter in person" Ally said making all three of us look at her. I laughed.

"Come on" I said then continued to walk into the room. As we entered, I saw so many people here. "Wow" I mumbled under my breath. That's probably the tenth time I have said that today. We stopped walking and looked around the room. Finally, I spotted Justin. He was laughing with Scooter and another man. Justin's eyes locked with mine and his smile stayed. I watched as he said something to the two men then walked away to us.

"Hey guys!" he said to us cheerfully. He hugged the boys, then Ally, then got to me. He pressed his lips against mine.

"Hi" I said back smiling.

"I hate to walk away from you guys already, but I have to talk to Jamie alone really quick then I have to talk to Scooter about tonight" Justin told us.

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