Chapter 50 - The Truth

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I heard my door bell ring a few minutes ago and I hoped it wasn't Austin again. I want to be alone. I don't want to tell him a million more times I'm okay. I'm grateful he cares, but I need to just be alone.

I heard a knock on my door and sighed.

"Come in" I say loud enough for whoever is outside my door to hear. I hope it's just my mom.

"We brought snacks" I heard Ally's cheerful voice. Oh no. I looked up to see her, Ryan, and Chaz.

"Sup Jc" Chaz said with a smile as he walked over to the end of my bed.

"Hi guys" I said back to them with a forced smile. I am glad they are here, but parts of me wish they weren't so I can be alone. Is that mean?

"You got a fever?" Ryan asked as I watched Ally take her shoes off. I shook my head to his question.

"Perfect" Ally said with a smile then jumped into my bed. "Want to watch something?" Ally asked me.

"You know I'm really not fee-" Chaz got me off.

"Oh how about scary movie two? It's so funny" He said as he sat on my bed.

"Hell yeah" Ryan said as he also sat down. I know what they are doing. "But first, we all need to talk" Ryan said as he grabbed the remote from me. He quickly turned the tv off.

"Hey what are you-" Now Ally cut me off.

"We are going to have a serious conversation without you staring at the tv drooling over Stefan and Damon Salvatore" Ally said causing me to playfully roll my eyes and leaned back against my headboard. Chaz laughed.

"Or me drooling over Elena-" Ally cut Chaz off.

"Chaz!" Ally scolded him. Ryan laughed and I couldn't help, but to break a little smile. Ally faced me and took a deep breath. "You've been distant with us, we know something is wrong and we just want you to know that we will always be here for you, no matter what. We're a family. If you want to tell us right now, if you want to tell us later, we understand, but please don't push us away. We love you, don't ever doubt that. We all know each other's secrets and we've all been there for each other, helping each other through our hardest moments in life. That will never change" Ally ranted to me and it made me cry again. I started to sob and she quickly pulled me into a hug.

Why am I pushing them away? I know I said I didn't want anyone to know, but they are my best friends. They are literally my family. I can't keep them in the dark about it forever. If I want to get over this, I'm going to need them to help me. I pulled away from Ally and wiped my face as I calmed down a bit. I still had tears falling, but I wasn't sobbing so I'm able to talk.

"Did something happen at the party?" I heard Ryan ask me. I looked up at him then nodded.

"Oh god" I heard Chaz mumble. He sounded worried.

"What happened, Jam?" Ally asked me.

"I was raped" I quickly told them. I heard Ally gasp and they stared at me in shock.

"I'm so sorry. W-why did you come find us? Why didn't you tell us?" Ally asked and I can hear in her voice she was ready to cry.

"Who the fuck was it?" Chaz asked in a pissed off tone.

"I don't know his name. But he was already beat up for it" I told them. "Austin and his friends jumped him"

"Why did Austin know and we didn't?" Ryan asked and sounded offended.

"Because when I was stumbling out of that party, I was about to walk home. I didn't want to see a soul, I just wanted to go home. He saw me and offered to drive me home. Then I broke down crying in his car, but I told him I wasn't going to tell him what had just happened. Since I was so drunk and he still cares for me, he helped me into the house and into my room safety. But he sat down with me and his cousins friend called looking his cousin because he was drunk and did something bad. I begged Austin to hang up the phone, but of course he had to ask what the guy did and he admitted to what he did to a girl at the party. Aka me. So Austin put two and two together then left to get his friends and beat the living shit out of the guy" I explained to them. Ally had her hand on my shoulder this whole time.

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