Chapter 38 - Valentines Day

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"If I fall, I swear-" Ally cut me off.

"You won't. We got you" Ally said with a laugh.

"One more step" My mom said and I felt both my feet on the ground. They both blindfolded me the second I was done getting ready for the day. Justin came home this morning at like eight. It's now around ten and he said he will be over soon.

Now, I don't know why I am blind folded or even where they are taking me. I had to put a jacket on, so I'm assuming out of the house. I knew I was right when we stopped and I heard the front door open in front of me.

"Okay a few more steps to go down" My mom said as they walked me outside and I felt the cold air hit me. They helped me walk down the porch steps and I knew we were on the pathway now.

"A few more seconds" Ally said and I could hear the excitement in her voice. I wish I knew what was going on.

"Should I be scared?" I asked with a laugh as we stopped walking.

"Not at all" I heard Justin's voice. My mouth opened a little in shock.

"Justin? Oh my god-" my mom cut me off.

"3...2...1" that's when she removed my blind fold and I saw Justin and Jeff standing next to a black BMW with a red bow on it. My jaw dropped.

"W-what?" I asked confused. "Who- wait, what?" They all laughed.

"It's yours!" my mom said excitedly.

"No- no it can't be" I said and felt tears come to my eyes.

"It is" Justin said with a laugh.

"W-who bought this?" I asked walking closer to it and I let myself cry happy tears.

"Your mom, Jeff, and I all chipped in" Justin told me. I faced my mom who had the biggest smile on her face.

"Thank you guys. It must have been so much. It's beautiful" I told them all. I hugged my mom first.

"You deserve it" She told me as we pulled away from the hug. I faced Jeff who was now standing next to my mom.

"You guys didn't have to, thank you" I said before hugging him now.

"It's not problem, kid" Jeff said back. I faced Justin who was standing in front of the car. He just smiled over at me. I giggled as I quickly walked to him and threw my arms around him. His grip around my waist was tight like he didn't want to let go.

"Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart" he said in my ear. I pulled away and kissed him. He let go of me and reached inside his pocket pulling out a pair of keys. "These are yours" he said handing them to me.

"Oh my god" I said excitedly and quickly walked over to the driver side. I unlocked it and opened the door to reveal red interior. "Wow" I said loudly. "Guys it's beautiful. Thank you so so much. You don't know how much I appreciate it" I said looking at the three of them. I shut the door and looked at the car again. My mom walked over to me and hugged me again. I hugged her tightly.

"By the way, it was paid in full. So you just have  to worry about insurance" She told me pulling away. My eyes widened.

"Really? You guys must have paid so much" I said back. She shook her head.

"Justin paid for most of it. He wouldn't let us pay anymore than ten percent of it. It was his idea. But Jeff and I wanted to help chip in because we have been saving to get you one" She told me. I stared at her in shock.

"Seriously?" I asked. I just can't believe this is happening. "I'm so happy. Thank you"

"Of course. I think Justin deserves more thank yous though" she joked with a laugh. I smiled back.

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