Chapter 18 - Love

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"What's the good news?" I asked Justin. It's finally Tuesday which means Justin's home! I just got home from school and he was, of course, sitting in my room waiting. So we have just been sitting on my bed for the past hour as he told me about his long weekend in Atlanta.

"So my first album is going to come out on the 17!" He told excitedly. My eyes widened.

"Justin! That's next week! That's amazing!" I said and hugged him tightly.

"I know. It's all so crazy" he said and pulled away with a big smile on his face. "So when I go to these radio stations this week I'm going to announce it and make sure everyone knows. Also we are having an album party, which you will be going with me. It's on that Friday, the day it comes out. And it's at night so we can go straight to the airport the second you get out of school" Justin explained to me.

"Wow. This is great. Babe, everyone is going to love you" I told him.

"Wanna hear the whole album?" He asked me. I nodded quickly.

"Of course I do. Is that even a question?" I asked joking around making him laugh. He grabbed his phone then there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I loudly said. I watched my door open to reveal my moms boyfriend, Jeff. "Oh hi!" I said smiling. I didn't realize he was here.

"Hi guys. Justin, how are you man?" Jeff asked Justin. Justin quickly got up and shook his hand.

"I'm great. What about you?" Justin asked him.

"Same here kid. Is it okay if I shut the door? Your mother is in the shower and I really would like to ask you something. Justin, of course, can hear" Jeff told me. I nodded.

"Yeah. Of course. What's up?" I asked and stood up.

"I know you are very used to me being around now and thankfully you approve of me" he started and joked. I giggled at his tone. "I've been around you guys for five years now and every day I fall more and more in love with your mom. I would love to be a permanent part of this family. So I'm here to ask for your approval and permission to ask your mother to marry me" he told me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"You're going to propose?" He nodded laughing at my reaction. "Oh my god. Yes. Ask her" I answer and hugged him tightly. He's like a father to me. "When do you plan on asking?" I asked as we pulled away.

"Hopefully next week on our sixth year anniversary. I'm taking her out to eat" he told me. I smiled widely. I'm so happy for them.

"This is amazing. I can't wait!" I said back and he smiled wider.

"Well thank you for approving"

"You're like a father figure to me. And plus my mother is very much in love with you. I've never seen her so happy like she is around you. This is amazing for you guys. I'm so happy" I told him.

"Congratulations" Justin said to him.

"Thank you, Justin. Well, I'll let you guys be. I better get back into the room before she gets out of the shower" Jeff said then smiled one more time at us before walking out of the room.

"Wow. This is so amazing for them" I said to Justin as I sat back down.

"I know. I'm happy for them. You can tell how much they love each other. I was jealous of them when we were 15" Justin said making us laugh. "I wished to be like that with you" he told me and grabbed my hand. I smiled and felt my cheeks get red.

"I wish I knew you felt that way. But I'm glad I know now. I'm in love with you and have never been happier" I told him. He softly kissed my cheek.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now