Chapter 26 - Reality and Dreams

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Right now, I am in Georgia with Justin. He convinced me to go with him today since he will be here a few days and I won't have school until after New Years. Yesterday was Christmas and it was such a good day. I got to see family and went over to see Justin's family after. Justin got me a ring and a new bag. Both are so beautiful. I'm so grateful for him. At the moment we are at his studio.

"Want to hear now?" I heard Justin ask me. I looked over at him quickly.

"Is it the whole song?" I asked him. He nodded with a smile. I nodded back agreeing to hear it. I decided to just try the song out and if we aren't feeling it then I won't be in it. But I was curious to see what us singing together on his song would be like. I'll probably tell them not to use me for it, but I don't really know yet.

I heard the music play through the speakers in the room. Then I heard my voice. Wow. I don't sound too bad. I was nodding my head a little to the song and Scooter walked in. He leaned against the wall and listened. I wonder if he knows I was going to record the song with Justin today. It's so weird hearing my voice playing on a song. Justin's voice came through the speaker now too. No ones voice can match his. His voice is so perfect. His voice played through his verse and then the chorus perfectly. I looked over at Justin who's just staring into space. I guess he noticed I was staring because he looked over at me. He gave me a little smile. Both our voices played together now.

"Wow" I said out loud and he smiled wider. Our voices sound nice together like that. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it before looking over at Scooter. I looked at him too and he looked like he was enjoying the song. It ended and he looked over at Justin.

"Who was that?" Scooter asked Justin. Justin pointed at me and Scooter looked at me with wide eyes. That made me laugh. "Jamie you're amazing" he told me.

"We sounded good together" I said smiling. I'm actually really liking the song.

"I think we should put this one out" Scooter told Justin. My eyes widened.

"I think so too" Justin agreed with him.

"Really?" I asked in shook. Justin chucked and squeezed my hand again.

"I want you on this song with me babe" Justin said to me.

"Okay" I said back and his eyes widened.

"Okay like yes?" He asked me. I laughed and nodded. "Yes!" He cheered making us all laugh.

"Alright so if you guys think this one is perfect we can use it or if you want to just do another to see what you like better. Up to you" Scooter said to us. I shrugged and looked at Justin.

"I really like this one, but we can go one more time just because" Justin answered him. I nodded agreeing. I never thought I would be recording a song. This is so different to me. I'm a little scared for the song to come out because I'm no singer and I'm scared for everyone's reactions. I mean I really like what I sound like on the song, but it's still scary. But the album doesn't drop for a few months so I guess I have time to prepare myself. I also have time to think if I really want to do it.


"One, two, three and four" I heard as I kept writing. Justin is rehearsing dances with a few dancers while I'm sitting on the floor against the wall trying to get all my school work done. Yes, I know, school work during winter break? I wish I was lying. I'm just about done though. I finished writing my last sentence and put my notebook on the ground next to me. I took a deep breath. Finally, now I don't have to worry about it.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now