Chapter 8 - Starting To Change

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Clubs are fun depending on my mood. Yet today was terrible for me, but I'm having an amazing time. We're all just drinking and dancing, just having fun. Everyone met at my house and we took Ubers here. And everyone's going to sleep over my house after.

And yes we are under age, but that's what fake IDs are for.

**Allys P.O.V**

"Tell me I'm wrong" I said into Ryan's ear. We are watching Jamie and Justin laugh together. They've been extra touchy and a little flirty together lately. Ryan knows Justin has little feelings for Jamie and I know she has feelings for him, even though she hasn't said it out loud. Trust me we all can see it.

"He's been telling us that he's been feeling strong feelings for her and he deadass just wants to kiss her. But he just doesn't want to ruin what they are" Ryan told me. I nodded.

"I understand that. They've been friends forever. But the chemistry they have is unreal. Anyone can see it. That's why all her boyfriends did not like Justin. They are the only two who doesn't see it. And she's been saying she's had weird feelings towards him too and explained them to me. And Ry, it was butterflies. She tried to deny it" I explained to him. He laughed.

"They will end up together" I nodded agreeing with him.

**Jamies P.O.V**

We are back at my house now. Tonight was so much fun. I really needed it. We are just hanging in the living room eating.

"Ugh I want to make more food" I complained.

"Then go make more" Chaz said laughing.

"Can someone come help me?" I asked with a pouty face.

"I'm way too lazy" Ryan said. He's laying out of my floor.

"Same girl sorry" Sarah said.

"I'm too drunk for that shit" Ally slurred making us laugh.

"I'll help" Justin said standing up.

"Yay!" I cheered then stood up too. We walked together into the kitchen. "Carnival is in two days. You excited? Nervous?" I asked him as I grabbed a frozen pizza from my freezer. He shrugged.

"A little nervous because I'm used to just singing in front of everyone I love and friends and stuff so it's going to be different singing for a crowd. But I'm excited I want people to hear my voice. And you'll be there so I'll be okay" he said and I smiled widely.

"You know I'll be there to support you" I told him. He smiled and looked down as he leaned against the counter. "Plus everyone's going to love you. You sing amazingly." I said to him.

"Thank you"

I take the pizza of the plastic and preheat the oven. It takes forever and I'm so hungry again. I sat up on the counter next to where he's leaning. I'm kinda drunk still. Justin too.

"Shit" I heard Justin say as I heard a thump. I looked over to see he dropped his water and it spilled on the floor. I hopped off the counter and grabbed the paper towels. "Sorry Jam" he apologized as he grabbed some paper towels too.

"It's fine, Justin. It's just water" I joked and giggled. We both got to the ground cleaning up the water.

"Thank god it wasn't soda or anything. Your mom would kill me for making the floor sticky" he joked too and I looked over at him and laughed. I swear his smile gets me even more now. He just has a perfect smile. Perfect laugh. He stared back at me with a little smile. "Come on let's get up" he said and grabbed my hand helping me up. He stood close to me. Really close.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now