Chapter 47 - Senior Year Is Almost Over

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"And that's tomorrow? On a Sunday night?" I asked my friends with a laugh. Currently, we are getting food at this diner in our town. They are talking about some party that's tomorrow night. Supposably, it's going to be huge and the biggest party of the year. But on a Sunday... That's weird to me.

"I know. I thought the same thing, but fuck it. It will be fun and maybe I'll find a boy" Ally said with a smirk.

"Of course that's why you want to go" Chaz said back rolling his eyes. Ryan and I laughed. She looked at him offendedly.

"That is not why I want to go. I love parties. We all know this. Hot boys being there is just a plus" Ally said back to him and he shook his head as he kept eating.

"I guess I'm down. If you all are going, why not" I told them.

"Alright then. I'll drive" Ryan told us.

I haven't been to a party since I got drugged and ended up at the hospital. I've stayed away, but tonight will be different. Hopefully. I mean it's just a party and it's not like I'm as upset as I was the last time and went around drinking anything I saw.

Justin and I were broken up last time, like we are now, but we were fighting so I didn't really care what I was drinking. That's pretty sad. But I'm good now. I'm happy. I miss Justin and I wish we were together, but I came to terms with everything. We still talk every day and well, the last time I saw him at Ryan's party about three weeks ago, that was amazing.

I don't know when I'll see him next, but hopefully soon. I end school in less than a month. I can not wait. Graduation is on two weeks and 6 days away. Yes, I'm counting down the days. Justin and I used to always talk about graduation and about how many photos are parents would probably make us take that day in our gowns and caps.

Now I don't even think he will be there. He doesn't have a show that day, but he will be many hours way from here.


I hate that Justin is always on my mind. Constantly I am thinking about him. I laid my head back on my pillow and stared at the ceiling of my bed room. I'm actually waiting for him to call me. His concert ended about an hour ago and he told me he would call me after he showers.

School will go by fast and then hopefully I will be on that tour bus with him.

I sat up quickly as my phone started to ring. Justin's FaceTiming me. I answered and sat up more.

"Hey" I answered as it connected. I saw him sitting on the tour bus with a big smile on his face.

"Hi beautiful" he said making me blush.

"How was the show?" I asked him.

"Amazing. It always is" he told me. I saw him writing something down. "We're writing songs right now" He said before I could ask what he was doing.

"You're writing songs." I heard Alfredos voice. "I'm watching and listening" They both laughed.

"You helped" Justin said back with a giggle.

"With two words" they both burst out in laughter.

"Hi Fredo" I said and Justin turned the camera to him.

"Hi Jamie! How are you!" Alfredo asked me before Justin turned the camera back to himself.

"I'm good. How are you?" I said back.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now